Bulletin Summer 1975
Hiroshi Wagatsuma. Financial support has been given by such bodies as the Harvard-Yenching Institute, The Asia Foundation, the Government Lotteries Fund, the Hong Kong Methodist Church, the Rockefeller Foundation, The Ford Foundation and the Nuffield Foundation. Moreover, data collection in the various projects has been made possible through the co- operation and assistance of Government departments, voluntary agencies, and members of the public. There have been 29 members of the University's social science faculty who have, at one time or another, taken part in Social Research Centre's work. Their disciplines include sociology (17 persons), geography (3 persons), anthropology (3 persons), psychology (2 persons), social work (2 persons), economics (1 person) , and journalism (1 person). Some of them have engaged in a Social Researc h Centre project on an individual basis ; others have done so on a team basis which incorporates different disciplinary approaches to the same problem. Research Projects A s a result of the effort of S o c i al R e s e a r c h Centre colleagues and support from various sources, a number of studies have already been completed. These include: the social and spatial-economic analysis of hawking activities in Hong Kong, study of higher Chinese civil servants, study o f secondary school teacher education in Hong Kong, evaluation of Methodist social services and of Foster Parents' Plan in Hong Kong, Kwun Tong health survey, the impact of industrialization on fertility in Hong Kong (in cooperation with Hon g Kong Family Planning Association), and Chinese University student residence project. In addition, several studies have also been completed in the large-scale Kwun - Tong Industrial Community Research Programme. They include: population and ecological growth, structural autonomy of the community, political values and participation, political implication of the City District Officer Scheme, internal and external elements of social welfare organizations, the role of religious organizations, organization and activities of a Chinese spirit-medium temple, family task-power differentiation, organization and management of factories, value system of Chinese small factories, problems and strategies of small factories for development, educational mobility and access, and life-quality survey. Up to the end of February 1975, a total of 50 research reports and papers have been published by the Social Research Centre. Projects currently in progress include the following: (1 ) the Kwun Tong Industrial Community Research Programme: the structural patterns of industrial bureaucracies, the role of small factory in economic development, urban religious behaviour, leadership in local community, and medical concepts and utilization ; (2) psychological correlates of family planning behaviou r among women in Hong Kong; (3) housing problems and urban neighbourhood in Hong Kong; (4) housing policy and internal movement of population in Hong Kong; (5) social causes ofjuvenile offenders in Hong Kong; (6) biosocial survey in Hong Kong (in cooperation with Australian National University); (7) the impact of community structures and family patterns on fertility behaviour in Hong Kong; (8) Chinese 20
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