Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 2 Oct 1969
effort at the Benjamin Franklin Centre on 1st October, 1969 under the supervision of Mr. Alan C. Butler, Librarian o f Chung Chi College and Supervisor of the Unit. (see also picture in Chinese section) V i c e - Chan c e l l o r 's Mo n t h l y Me e t i ng w i t h Sen i or L e c t u r e r s / L e c t u r e rs With the University administration now located on the new site, the Vice-Chancellor feels that facilities are available for him to develop close personal contact with individual staff members. Accordingly, the Vice-Chancellor will initiate the practice of meeting informally with Senior Lecturers and Lecturers after the monthly University Luncheon held on the third Friday of each month, beginning in February 1970. About twenty persons will be invited each time, on a rotating basis. It has always been the Vice-Chancellor's policy to meet staff members as often as circumstances permit. The monthly University Luncheon, introduced shortly after the University was established, is an effective device to get together many of the staff members of the Colleges that are now dispersed at considerable distances from one another. Before the University Luncheon he meets with Professors and Readers for about an hour. The College Presidents and the University Registrar are also present. Those in attendance at these meetings are at liberty to bring up for discussion any subjects they desire. Since September 1967, the Vice-Chancellor has set aside two periods every Friday, from 11 a.m. to 1.p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., to receive at his office any staff member without previous appointment. He hopes that more staff members will avail themselves of this open-house arrangement. Wo r k s h op on News T r a n s l a t i on — Mo o n - L a n d i ng The Asia Foundation, The Chinese Language Press Institute and the University's Department of Extramural Studies jointly sponsored a "Workshop on News Translation — Moon-Landing" which was held on 11th September, 1969 in the Extramural Town Centre at Star House, Kowloon. The Workshop was an extension of the Translation Symposium held in February of this year. More than forty people from the press, publishers, news agencies, the University of Hong Kong and this University attended the Workshop. It was the concensus of the participants following thorough discussion that one of the main problems encountered in news translation was the difficulty of finding Chinese terms which could be used to convey quickly and accurately the same meaning as those used in the original announcements concerning space exploration. Workshop participants expressed the hope that a way could be found to compile a faithful and standardized list of Chinese terms that could be used as a ready reference in translating reports of missions into space. It was concluded that a working committee should be organized to prepare a glossary of "Technical Chinese terms related to moon landings". M r . F . L . C h a ng of Reader's Digest (Chinese edition ), M r . C h a ng T u n g of World Today, M r . T . C . Lai and Mr. Stephen C. Soong of this University, Mr. Alex Sun of The Chinese Language Press Institute, and Mr. L . Z. Yuan of The Asia Foundation were entrusted with the task. In October, the glossary of technical terms, names of various lunar areas and names of astronauts was put out, in time for use in reporting the landing of Apollo 12 in November. This glossary is an attempt to provide the mass media with a set of standardized terms to facilitate translation into Chinese with due regard being given to both accuracy and established usage. In the compilation of the glossary, it was recognized that a basic knowledge of the subject of space travel is essential for effective, meaningful translation. It is expected that this glossary will be used as a basis fo r further discussion and provide the groundwork for better translations. It is also hoped that it will stimulate similar efforts in other fields. Recep t i ons t o We l c ome New Memb e rs o f C U H K Vice-Chancellor's Receptions for New Students A l l new students of the Graduate School were invited to meet Dr. Choh-Ming L i, Vice-Chancellor of the University, at tea on 14th October in the Benjamin Franklin Centre. Another reception of similar nature was held on 17th October, also in the Benjamin Franklin Centre, for all new undergraduates of the three Foundation Colleges. These receptions are held every year to provide an opportunity for the Vice-Chancellor to meet the new students of the University and permit the students in turn to get better acquainted with one another. — 6 —
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