Annual Report 2011–12
34 服務與關懷 鄭重人(右)、陳英凝教授(左)與甘肅 大灘村村長 Iris Zheng (right) and Prof. Emily Chan (left) with the head of Datan village in Gansu 公共衞生學生鄭重人在第二次到訪甘肅省大灘村後說:「我們不期望單靠短短幾天中所做 的微小事情,就能改變他們的生活或改善他們的健康。但長遠來說,我相信我們在他們心 中撒下了種子,只要有水、陽光和養分豐富的環境,種子是會發芽成長的。」 ‘We can’t expect the very small things we did in a few days can change their lives or improve their health. However, in the long run, we do plant a seed in their mind and I believe that it can grow if it has some water, sunshine and nutrient rich surroundings,’ said Iris Zheng, a public health student, after her second trip to Datan village in Gansu province. 姚 妙 芬 攝 Photo by Esther Yiu 公共衞生學生陳愛恩晴說:「家訪的經驗改變了我對研究的看法。研究論文不單只 是數字、風險比和統計學符號,每個數字背後都有一個和我一樣有血有肉的人…… 他們才是研究的目的。」 ‘Now that I’ve done household interviews, the numbers on research articles mean much more to me. They’re more than just numbers, odds ratios and degree of significance. Behind each number is a real human being ... this is what research should be about,’ said Christy Chan, a public health student. 陳愛恩晴在四川教導兒童健康知識 Christy Chan delivering health education for children in Sichuan 李 寶 儀 攝 Photo by Poyi Lee
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