Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1996

Winnin g the Intervarsity Game s Agai n Undergraduate athletes from The Chinese University s h owed their b r awn and overwhelmed thei r counterparts from the University of Hong Kong i n the 16th annual intervarsity games t o w in their fourth consecutive overall victory since 1992. The athletic contest was founded i n 1980 by the student unions of the two universities, the only one then i n the territory, to boost athletic exchange between their students. The universities have since taken turns to host the meet which sports enthusiasts wait months for, sinews tensed. This year the competition, hosted by the University of Hong Kong, kicked off w i th a splash on 29th October 1995 w i t h swimming events. These were followed by athletics, soccer, handball, table-tennis, badminton, tennis, volleyball, basketball, and archery contests as well as squash and Softball demonstrations. In an age wh e n education means more than just the academic report, i t is encouraging to see CUHK students show a healthy combination of brains as well as brawn.