Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 3 Dec 1972
Cheng Te-k'un (Reader of Chinese Archaeology, University of Cambridge): Numerals of Ancient China C.Y. Yeh Chao (Professor of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia): Wang Kuo-wei: His Character & His Scholarship Chen Cheng-siang: Population Increase and the Extent of Urbanization in China, 1953-72 Lamp Li : The Evolution and Nature o f Multinational Corporation and Some Related Problems (The above are in Chinese with English summaries) Gerald Berkley: The Early Communist Practice of Peasant Recruitment. A Case in Point: The Training of Peasant Organizers at the Canto n Peasant Training Institute, 1924-1926 Ranee Lee: Population, Housin g and the Availability of Medical and Health Services in an Industrializing Chinese Community Mun Kin-chok: Segmentation of Hong Kong's International Markets by Marco-Environment I.F. Lau, F.Y. Leung, Y.C. Kong & K . R Yung: Effect of Chloro-IPC on DNA Synthesis in Regenerating Rat Liver S.W. Tam & Magdelene Y.Y. Chan: Mass Spectrometric Studies - III. Mass Spectra of Some Chroman-4-Ones and Related Compounds L.B. Trott: Preliminary Hydrographi c Studies of Tolo Harbour K.Y. Chan: A Review on th e Genus Coelastrum (Chlorophyceae) L.S. Chuang: Secular Variation of the Earth's Magnetic Field Intensity (The above are in English with Chinese summaries) The topical lecture is on Chinese Linguistics in the 20th Century by Chou Fa-kao. PUBLICATION OF LIN YUTANG S CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY OF MODERN USAGE The long-heralded Lin Yutang's Chinese-English Dictionary of Modem Usage is finally off the press. Since the publication of the last standard work of Chinese - English lexicography by Mathews in 1931, significant changes and revolutionary discoveries have taken place in the fields of the humanities, art, social sciences, politics, science and technology, and the need for a more adequate and up-to-date reference work is greatly felt. The appearance of Dr. Lin Yutang's dictionary is therefore welcomed not only by the academic world but also by the general public a t large. This monumental work of Dr. Lin, first conceived in 1950 , was brought to fruition in the last five years, durin g which he served as Research Professor of this University. Dr. Lin is uniquely qualified for such a task, being a linguistics expert and a bilingual writer of world renown. The new Dictionary, the first of its kind ever to give linguistic treatments to the Chinese language, has many distinctive features which make it outstanding and different from its predecessors: (1) Each WORD, mostly taken as a polysyllabic word formed by two or more characters instea d of one single character, is shown on its level s of speech and its use is fully illustrated; (2) The Guoryuu Romanized System used is a built-in tonal system which deviates from the traditional treatment of the four tones, differentiating them 典詞英漢代當堂語林 Lin Yutang's Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage — 2 —
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