Bulletin Autumn 1988
conference Series International workshop on Muslims in Guangdong and Hong Kong An international workshop on Muslims in Guangdong and Hong Kong took place on 22nd September, 1988, in the New Asia College o f the University. Organized by the anthropology department, the workshop focused on discussing the history and origin o f Guangdong Muslims and their present social conditions. It also discussed the development o f Muslims in Hong Kong. The workshop, conducted in four sections, had its themes in Muslims in Guang dong, their historical background, the social condi tions o f Guangdong Muslims, and Muslims in Hong Kong. Leading scholars from China and local aca demics who presented papers at the conference in cluded Professor Duanmu Zheng o f the department o f law, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, and Mr. Liu Yaoquan, director o f the Guangdong Research Institute for National Minorities. Dr. Chiao Chien, chairman o f the department o f anthropology, delivered the welcoming address at the opening ceremony. Mr. Joel Thoraval, visiting scholar o f the department, also spoke on the occasion. Symposium on Recent Advances in Liver Cancer A symposium on 'Recent Advances in Liver Cancer' was held on 14th October at the Prince o f Wales Hospital. It was jo in tly sponsored by the cancer research group, faculty o f medicine, and the Overseas Chinese Archives, Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies. The symposium was one o f the events com memorating the 25th anniversary o f the University. Liver cancer is a disease suffered by many in the Chinese societies all over the world. Much work has been done to improve the understanding o f this killer disease. Seven experts from China, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong were invited to speak on various important issues relating to liver cancer, in cluding the etiology o f liver cancer, w ith particular reference to chronic viral hepatitis infection, surgical and non-surgical treatment, the screening o f high risk population and preventive measures. The symposium was officially opened by Profesor Charles K. Kao, the vice-chancellor, who also gave an opening speech. Before the commencement o f the symposium, Professor Peng Wenwei, president o f the Sun Yat-Sen University o f Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, and Pro fessor Kao signed an agreement on bilateral coopera tion on behalf o f the cancer centre o f Sun Yat-Sen University o f Medical Sciences and the cancer research group o f The Chinese University. Both parties planned to strengthen the exchange o f aca demic experience and information on advances in cancer research. The cancer research group was formed in 1987 w ithin the faculty o f medicine to utilize resources available effectively. Its aims are: 1 , to coordinate, promote and subsidize activities relating to research, prevention and treatment o f cancer; 2, to promote and provide training in cancer research; 3 , to educate the public on methods o f cancer prevention and early detection; 4 , to work towards better welfare o f cancer patients; and 5 , to organize seminars, workshops and conferences for advancing the above objectives. Cur rently, the group is undertaking research in cancers commonly found in Hong Kong, including nasopharyngeal cancer, liver cancer, oesophageal cancer, lung cancer and cervical cancer. International Conference on Cultural Tradition and Contemporary Education : Pedagogy, Curriculum and Policy The school o f education o f the University and the Goethe-Institut co-sponsored an international con ference on 'Cultural Tradition and Contemporary Education: Pedagogy, Curriculum and Policy', which took place from 13th to 18th October, 1988. The conference was one o f the important academic events marking the 25th anniversary o f the founding o f the University. More than fifty scholars from Britain, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, The People's Republic o f China, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States were in vited to present papers and to conduct workshops. A t the opening ceremony held at Cho Yiu Hall, the vice-chancellor o f this University, Professor Charles K. Kao, delivered an opening address. This was followed by an address by Professor Hellmut Becker, professor emeritus o f Max-Planck-Institut, and then the first keynote address entitled ‘Learning and using: the education o f external China' by Pro fessor Wang Gungwu, the vice-chancellor o f the 15
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