Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1991
Prof. Omar W ing Dean o f Faculty o f Engineering Prof. Omar W ing has been appointed by the vice -chan ce llo r to discharge the functions and duties o f the dean of the Faculty o f Engi neering from 1st August 1991, until such a time when a dean o f the faculty is elected, which w ill take place not later than 1st August 1992. After graduating with a BS degree from the University o f Tennessee in the USA in 1950, Prof. Wing pursued further studies at the Masachusetts Institute o f Technology and obtained an MS degree in 1952. He completed his doctoral studies at Columbia University and was awarded Eng. Sc.D. in 1959. Thereafter he served in the Department of Electrical Engineering o f Columbia University for 32 years, first as assistant professor, then as associate professor, and finally as professor from 1969 to 1991. He was chairman o f the department during 1974-78 and 1983-86. He is a fellow o f the Institute o f Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Prof. Wing is married, with two children. Depa rtm en t o f Compu te r Science First row from left: Dr. K.W. Ng, Dr. H.S. Hung, Prof. S.C. Loh, Prof. T.C. Chen, Dr. K.S. Leung, Dr. L .W. Chan, Dr. H.S. Yang Second row from left: Dr. Y.S. Moon, Dr. W.K. Kan, Dr. K.H. Wong, Dr. M.C. Lee, Dr. L.K. Chan, Dr. Y.F. Fung, Dr. S.L. Tung Department of Information Engineering From left: Dr. P.C. Wong, Dr. M.K. Lai, Dr. T.S. Yum, Dr. H.W. Chun, Dr. W.Y. Ng, Prof. O. Wing, Prof. S.Y. Li, Dr. W .K. Yeung, Dr. M.Y. Chang, Dr. C.P. Kwong Depa rtm en t o f E lectronic Eng ineering Clockwise from front row: Prof. I.H. Wilson, Dr. C.S. Choy, Dr. C.K. Chan, Dr. T. Lee, Dr. KM . Luk, Dr. K.Y. Lai, Mr. T.C. Choy, Dr. Y.B. Pun, Dr. S.P. Wong, Dr. S.M. Chiang, Dr. J.S. Li, Dr. W.K. Cham Department of Systems Engineering From left: Dr. K.P. Lam, Mr. W.N. Liu, Prof . Y.S. L u m, Dr. C.S. Chang, Mrs. R. Lui NEW FACULTIES - 9
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