Bulletin Summer 1977

Opening of PI-CH'IU BUILDING We are gathered here today for the opening of Pi-Ch'iu Building. This felicitous occasion marks the completion o f not just another building, but a building o f special significance-with a special mission. You w ill recall how Hong Kong was affected by the world-wide recession in 1975 , but an institution o f higher learning cannot afford to wait for better times: any university which is at a standstill is liable to regress, and advance­ ments in learning and knowledge wait for no man. Determined that its teaching and research should forge ahead in the face of adversities, the University made an appeal for financial support, which found the local community sympathetic and responsive. Most notably the Ho Tim Charitable Foundation came forward to underwrite the entire construction cost o f this magnificent four-storey Pi-Ch'iu Building, a timely and heartening gift. The Chinese University deserves to be given every encouragement in its dedicated endeavours, and to the Ho Tim Charitable Foundation we owe our deepest appreciation. The completion o f this building synchronizes perfectly w ith the restructuring of the University to provide for the development o f teaching and research. It brings under one roof a number o f units in the humanities and social sciences in their permanent offices. We are particularly delighted that a modern audio-visual/television studio w ill be set up in this Building, initially to serve the Department o f Extra­ mural Studies in the production o f instructional television programmes, the Centre for Communication Studies, and, most important o f all, the newly established Faculty o f Medicine. It is hoped that this studio w ill eventually serve the other Faculties aswell, thus easing the teaching load o f the faculty and facili­ tating the implementation o f the new teaching and research programmes. It is therefore w ith great pleasure that I reiterate our thanks to the Ho Tim Charitable Foundation and declare Pi-Ch'iu Building open.