Bulletin Winter 1978

Congregation for the Installation of the New Vice-Chancellor A Citation Dr. Choh-Ming Li, K.B.E. (Hon); B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Calif .) LL.D. (HK ,Mich.,Marquette, and W. Ontario)-, D.S. Sc. (Pitt.); J.P. We are assembled in this Congregation to honour our founding Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Choh-Ming Li, who, after spending 15 productive years of his life in charting the course of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, retired on the 1st of October. Among his many qualities, Dr. Li is a distin- guished scholar and his life's work has been devoted to the promotion of Chinese Studies as well as Economics and Management Studies. He has made significant scholarly contributions. His pioneering publications, Economic Development of Communist China and Statistical System of Communist China, have remained works of classic importance. Despite his heavy duties and commitments, Dr. Li has compiled aChinese dictionary. Dr. Li is an idealist with a strong sense of mission to enrich Chinese Studies and to promote the blending of Eastern and Western cultures. As Director of the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, he had already embarked on this important mission. In 1963 Dr. Li took up the challenge of being the first Vice- Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and his ideals have since been woven into the academic structure and programme of the new university. As the Chief Academic Officer of the University, Dr. Li has tactfully managed to cement thecomplementary Colleges into a solid foundation for the Universtiy. Through his careful planning and skilfulimplementation, the University has achieved, stage by co-ordination, integration and re-organization, which culminated in the passage of The Chinese Universtiy of Hong Kong Ordinance in December 1976 and ushered the University into a new era. In pursuance of his educational goal of seeking a meaningful interaction between Chinese andWestern cultures, Dr. Li spared no effort in cultivatingef with the help of foreign governments and foundations. Furthermore, the International Asian StudiesPr September 1977 is his another contribution, and more than 100 foreign scholars and students from different parts of the world have so far taken part. Dr. Li has been regarded as a fund-raiser of considerable reputation. In addition to the full support of the government, substantial sums have been raised for the University from generous donors, both Chinese and non-Chinese in Hong Kong and overseas. This was evidence of the great confidence placed in the Univ As a result of his multi-dimensionalcont richly honoured on numerous occasions, especially by the awards of the Knight Commander of the British Empire (Honorary) and honorary degrees from several leading universities in Hong Kong and abroad. Today, it is the turn of The Chinese University, which Dr. Li had guided for 15 constructive years, to honour its first Vice-Chancellor. Mr. Chancellor, it is my privilege to request Your Excellency to confer on Dr. Li the Degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa. Address by Dr. Choh-Ming Li Your Excellency the Chancellor, Ladies and Gentlemen: I would like first of all to thank the University and particularly His Excellency the Chancellor for conferring upon me the Degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa. This honour stands out in my life, unique for its background and sentimental content. In recent years I have spoken many times on the special mission of The Chinese University; I do not intend to go over that ground again today. But there is one question that remains to be faced squarely and answered fully, and that is, what is the reason for calling our University The Chinese University of Hong Kong? 6