Bulletin Winter 1978

sharpen their skills for abstract and synthetical reasoning, help them to cultivate introspection and to develop foresight. Since the re-structuring in 1977 the University has, in the spirit of the Second Fulton Commission report, introduced a dual-teaching system, with subject-orientated and student-orientated teaching carried out at the Faculty and the College level, respectively, and, through the Boards of Studies, continues to redesign and to improve general education courses, so as to form a unified approach towards education. Additionally, the Colleges have been organizing various scholastic, artistic and sporting activities, which serve to enrich campus life, to foster the formation of a good character in the students and to promote their physical health. Though they are tasks that demand considerable effort and patience, given time, I am sure marked results will emerge. Language training A close relationship exists between general education and language training. I believe that language is not merely a medium of expression; it is also a reflection of one's knowledge, judgment, and capacity for rational thinking. Hence, the University will continue to retain and to stress bilingualism requirement. Even though the University curriculum may be divided into general education, fundamental courses and specialist courses, and though subject-orientated teaching is distinct from student-orientated teaching, they complement one another and are parts of the same whole. For all the parts to function fully and well, it is necessary that continuous improvements be made across a wide front in the educational system of the University. This, in turn, would depend on the University's commitment to continuing self-renewal. Intellectual responsibility to knowledge, society and Chinese culture The primary mission of the University does not end with the imparting of existing knowledge to its students. A University should also be able to point out to society new directions and objectives. Our teachers must therefore constantly explore new frontiers of knowledge. In this way, the University's store of knowledge will be continuously revitalized by their hard work. Ever since its inauguration, the University has demonstrated determination in and Research Centres by improving their financial resources and facilities and encouraging contact and co-operation with institutions abroad, so that teachers can fully realize their creative potential in academic fields. These efforts have now borne fruit in many fields, one good example being the important research on Chinese medicinal plants, for which the World Health Organization has designated Hong Kong as one of the six major centres in the world. They have also led to a rapid expansion of the master's degree progr doctoral programmes now under active planning. This is indeed a heartening development. In addition, since modern civilization is but one integral entity and Hong Kong a metropolitan city closely linked to the rest of the world, the University must devote itself to the expansion of overseas contacts and the promotion of various exch e schemes, including the Intern ti can the University transcend the confines of its geographical location and rank among universities of international standing, thereby fulfilling its intel ect l responsibility to Hong Kong and to Chinese culture. Not only are the two tasks of encouraging research and promoting international co-operation meaningful in themselves; they are, in my opinion, also valuable assets in the development of university education. Their importance can only increase with the progress of the university. Although The Chinese University has become an institution of a diversified nature, its method of instruction and its development have all been in accordance with the spirit with which it was first founded. This can readily be seen from its curriculum, medium of instruction and emphasis on research activity. It is my conviction that such a policy not 4