Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1981
News on Committees Committee on the Development of Chinese Teaching Materials In view of the need for modern and high- quality teaching materials once Chinese becomes the medium of instruction at secondary schools, the University has set up a Committee on the Development of Chinese Teaching Materials to launch and coordinate a comprehensive Chinese teaching materials development programme. The membership is as follows: Consultants: Dr. Ma Lin, Vice-Chancellor Dr. Q.W. Lee, Treasurer Chairman: Professor D. C. Lau, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature Members: Four senior staff members of the University Mrs. Louise Mok, Deputy Chief Inspector of School Mr. Y. H. Lam, Principal of Pui Chiiig Middle School Mr. C. H. Lee, Principal of Pui Shing Middle School Miss Betty Tsang, Assistant Education Officer (Administration) Dr. Y. M. Tam, Senior Lecturer in History (Secretary) There is an Executive Committee, with Dr. Tam as Chairman, which makes recommendations and implements resolutions of the Committee. The project has received a generous donation of HK$200,000 from the Wideland Foundation Ltd. towards administrative and research costs for the first two years. Direct publication costs will be borne by the University Press, which will be responsible for the actual publication of the materials. Initially, the Committee will concentrate on the development of teaching materials for secondary schools. After establishing the priority for various subjects, it will invite both internal and external experts to form editorial and review committees for these subjects, and make sufficient provisions for administrative and teachnical support to ensure their smooth operation. The first publications are expected in two to three years. Committee on Representation on Curriculum Development and Public Examinations Committees A Committee on Representation on Curriculum Development and Public Examinations Committees has been established under the University's Administrative and Planning Committee to: (a) nominate University representatives to serve on committees of curriculum development and public examinations organizations after consultation with the teaching units concerned; and (b) ascertain University policies on matters relating to curriculum development and public examinations and keep such representati informed. The membership of the Committee is as follows: Chairman: Dr. John T. S. Chen (Registrar) Members: Dr. S. W. T a m ( D e a n of Graduate School) Professor C. Y. To (Director of School of Education) Mr. Sheung Chung-ho (Chairman of Department of Chinese Language and Literature) Dr. Kenneth Young (Senior Lecturer in Physics) New Member of Appointments Board Mr S. B. Cheuk, Executive Director of the World- Wide Shipping Agency Limited, has been appointed a member of the Appointments Board of the University for a term of two years ending 31st July, 1983. The Appointments Board, whose Chairman is the Hon. Lydia Dunn, Managing Director of Swire and Maclaine Limited, has been established to advise the University on matters related to graduate employment and to give guidance to the operation of the Appointments Service. New Member Appointed to the Advisory Board of Extramural Studies Dr. Philip Kwok, Director and General Manager, Wing On l i fe Assurance Co., Ltd.,has been nominated a member of the Advisory Board of Extramural Studies of the University, which advises the Vice- Chancellor on general policies concerning the promotion and development of the extramural work of the University. 20
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