Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2002

口 Prof. L e u ng Ping-chung, professor of orthopaedics and t r a uma t o l o g y, was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star; 口 Prof. Tso Wung - wa i, adjunct professor in the Department of Biochemistry, was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star; 口 Prof. H a u K i t - t a i, p r o f e s s or i n the Department of Educational Psychology, was awa r d ed the M e d a l of H o n o u r ; and • Dr. Cheung Ping-kuen, senior instructor and programme director in the Chinese Section of the I ndependent L e a r n i ng Centre, was a w a r d ed the M e d a l of Honour. • P r o f. C h a n N g a i - h a n g, p r o f e s s or of statistics, has been elected to fellowship at the Institute of Ma t h ema t i c al Statistics ( I MS) for his c on t r i bu t i ons to the s t u dy of unstable time series, for the application of time series to economics and finance, a nd for the d e v e l o pme nt of statistical programmes in computational finance and risk management. Founded i n 1935, IMS currently has about 3,000 members. • Prof. Christopher W.K. Lam, chairman of the Department of Chemical Pathology, has been i n v i t ed by the A u s t r a l a s i an Association of Clinical Biochemists (AACB) to be its Roman Travelling Lecturer for 2002. The A A CB is a professional body of a p p r o x i ma t e ly 1,300 scientifically and medically qualified clinical biochemists, whose objectives are to advance the study and practice of clinical biochemistry and t o d i s s e m i n a te k n o w l e d g e o f t he principles of clinical biochemistry. • Prof. Cy n t h ia S.Y. Chan, Prof. Wu n Yuk- tsan, Prof. J.A. Dickinson, Dr. Chan Kwo k- wai, Dr. A n d y Cheung (adjunct staff), and M r . Peter Ch an of the D e p a r t me nt of Commun i ty and Family Medicine w o n the Ho ng Kong College of Family Physicians Best Research Awa rd 2001. This is the second time i n t wo years that the department has w o n the award. Appointment/Reappointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellors • Prof. Kenneth Young has been reappointed as pro-vice-chancellor of the University for two years f r om 1st August 2002. • Prof. Jack C h u n - y iu Cheng, professor of orthopaedics and traumatology and concurrently Un i v e r s i ty Dean of Students, has been appointed as pro-vice- chancellor of the University for two years from 1st October 2002. New College Heads The Un i v e r s i ty Coun c il has appo i n t ed the f o l l ow i ng persons as head of the respective colleges each for a period of four years f r om 1st August 2002: • Prof. H e n r y N . C. Wo n g, p r o f e s s or of chemistry, as head of N ew Asia College, succeeding Prof. P.C. Leung; and • Prof. F u ng K w o k - p u i, professor i n the Department of Biochemistry, as head of Un i t ed College, succeeding Prof. Wo ng Kwan-yiu. New/Re-elected Faculty Deans • Prof. Sydney Chung, professor of surgery, has been re-elected as dean of the Faculty of Medicine for three years f r om 1st July 2002. • Prof. Lee Tien Sheng, professor i n the D e p a r t me nt of De c i s i on Sciences a nd Managerial Economics, has been elected as 5 2 Chinese University Bulletin Autumn • Winter 2002