Bulletin Special Supplement Ever in My Heart: Professor Ambrose King and The Chinese University
中大歲月 Years at The Chinese University 1977 Appointed head of New Asia College; instrumental in setting up the ‘Ch’ien Mu Lectures inHistory andCulture’ in 1978 and inviting the 84-year-old college founder to return to Hong Kong and deliver the inaugural lecture. According to Prof. Ma Lin, then Vice-Chancellor, ‘Professor Ambrose King ... as a College Head ... contributed so much to the stability and progress of the University during the decade following the reorganization [of CUHK] in 1976.’ Assumed chairmanship of the Department of Sociology; the department went from strength to strength in 13 years under his leadership, becoming a regional centre of excellence in sociology studies. 一九七九 升任教授 1979 Appointed Reader 一九八三 晉升為社會學講座教授。 獲大學委任為「課程檢討特別小組召集人」,領導改革本科課程的結構, 包括確立學分制及選修制,以及制定通識及語文教育的要求。 1983 Promoted Professor of Sociology. Appointed chairman of a Special Panel on Curriculum Review to strengthen the credit-unit system, establish general education and language education requirements, and enhance student choice in the undergraduate curriculum. 一九八九 獲大學委任,領導專責小組重新檢討學分制,以加強其靈活性。「靈活 學分制」於一九九零年二月獲教務會通過,配合於同年九月開始實施的 大學聯招。 出任大學副校長,主責學術規劃和發展。 1989 Appointed chairman of a Working Group on Curriculum Review to increase the flexibility of the credit unit system. The system was approved by the Senate in February 1990 for implementation in conjunction with the first JUPAS exercise. Appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University, with responsibility for academic planning and development.
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