In April, British Pathé posted its 85,000 videos on Youtube. These include over 3,000 hours of footage filmed all over the world between 1896 and 1976. Hong Kong gets captured in 50 videos that show it in its former colonial trappings, drawing our attention to the passage of time.
Were things really better in the old days? Is urbanization a good thing or not? It's hard to have definitive answers. It must depend on city planners who have regard to citizens' well-being and the interests of different parties. We look at an interdisciplinary programme on urban studies, which aims to train such planners but has no admission criteria except that the students must be willing to leave their comfort zones to be challenged. How does the University set its admission criteria? Prof. Wong Suk-ying sheds some light on this in 'Thus Spake…'. She will also share her thoughts on the transition from high school to university and on choosing a major.
The passing away of Gabriel García Márquez has led many to revisit his works. We spoke to Prof. Leo Lee and Dr. Vicente-Rasoamalala about the Nobel laureate. For the fans-to-be, it would hopefully whet their appetite and prod them on in a journey of magic realism.