Newsletter No. 414

2 012年的暑假,廿一位學生參與首辦的I ‧ CARE博群 大中華實習計劃,前往內地非政府組織(NGO)實 習,以此作為平台,走進中國農村,與基層居民一起生 活,了解NGO的服務如何回應社會發展過程中的各種問 題,從而培養人文關懷和社會承擔的情操。 計劃主題為「回到原點」,希望學生可重新思考讀大學的 意義和個人理想,也反思人與人關係的重要,藉此帶來 生命的改變。參加者於去年6月至8月分赴陝西婦女研究 會、廣東綠耕社會工作發展中心、廣東省漢達康福協會、 北京樂齡合作社、內蒙古敖漢婦女發展協會和貴州鄉土 文化社六所NGO實習。 負責計劃的是中大公民社會研究中心。項目統籌 施德安 表示,一般人對內地的了解,多只來自媒體和短期交流 的體驗,會知道內地經濟崛起及發展帶來種種的迫切社 會問題,卻未聞NGO如何以有限資源去解決。 他續稱,這活動雖名為實習,其實是一個全人發展的計 劃。學生須接受培訓,實習期間要交周記,實習後須撰 寫報告、製作小冊子和準備分享會等,均講求個人反思 和團隊合作。項目助理 池衍昌 補充,中心同事一直與學 生討論和探索,協助他們將所經歷的重新思考、沉澱和 發醇,帶來生命的轉化。 「予人玫瑰,手留餘 香」,中大副校長 侯傑泰 教授這樣形 容計劃帶給學生的 幫助。他說:「學生 透過這些服務,不 單認識這世界,也 更了解自己,明白自 己的價值觀,比受 助者得益更多,何 止百倍。」 經過是次實習,學生發現內地NGO受政府的制肘很大; 由於政府甚少資助,NGO要自行申請海外資金;願意投 身社會服務的人不多,人手經常緊張。但在裏外交困的 夾縫下,NGO仍然努力求存,服務有需要的一群,展現 對社會的一份責任感。 活動去年共有八十多人報名,今年第二次舉行,反應更 踴躍,接獲二百多個申請,提供實習名額的合作夥伴亦 延至台灣的NGO,讓同學學習另一個華人社會的NGO 經驗。 從心出發: 神州實習啟蒙之旅 The Heart’s Journey: An Enlightening Internship in China I n the summer of 2012, 21 students joined the first I • CARE NGO Internship Programme in Greater China. The programme aimed at cultivating the students’ humanistic spirit and nurturing their sense of responsibility to the community. Through working in the NGOs, the students went to remote villages on the mainland and lived with the villagers to take a closer look at how NGOs respond to social issues arising from the country’s rapid development. With the theme ‘To Start from the Origin of Life’, the programme encourages students to rethink the value of university education and their dreams, reflect on the importance of human relationships, and consequently, transform their lives. The students worked from June to August in six NGOs, namely, Shaanxi Research Association for Women and Family, Guangdong Green Farming Social Work Development Centre, Handa Rehabilitation and Welfare Association in Guangdong, Senior Citizen Cooperative in Beijing, Aohan Women’s Development Association in Inner Mongolia, and Guizhou Institution for Indigenous Culture Development. Mr. Sze Tak-on , project coordinator of the Centre for Civil Society Studies which organized the programme, said, ‘Many of us learn about mainland China only from media and short-term exchanges. We see the rise of China’s economy and the entailing social problems, but seldom know how NGOs deal with these pressing issues with limited resources.’ According to Mr. Sze, the programme is more of a whole- person development scheme rather than an internship. Apart from placement, students have to fulfil the requirements of attending training sessions, writing weekly reports during internship, submitting post-internship reports, producing booklets and attending sharing sessions. All these place emphasis on personal reflection and team cooperation. Mr. Chi Hin-cheong , project assistant, added that the centre colleagues discussed with and guided the students throughout the programme. He expected this would help them to rethink their experiences and subsequently lead to change. Prof. Hau Kit-tai , Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, summed up the programme with a saying ‘Give roses to others and the lasting fragrance will remain in your hand’. He explained, ‘Through serving the others, the students will learn about the world and themselves. They will understand their own values. What they get is indeed more than the beneficiaries.’ The students learnt about the difficulties the NGOs are facing. Their developments are highly restricted by the government, and as there is little subsidy from the government, they have to work hard to seek overseas sponsorships. Moreover recruitment of staff is hard because people are reluctant to join the rank of social services. Despite huge obstacles, the NGOs still strive for survival and to serve the needy, demonstrating their strong sense of social responsibility. Last year, the programme received about 80 applications and the number reached over 200 this year. NGOs from Taiwan also joined the programme to offer placements which means that students can go to Taiwan for the experience this year. 侯傑泰教授 Prof. Hau Kit-tai 施德安 Sze Tak-on 池衍昌 Chi Hin-cheong 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 有句俏皮話是這樣說的:所謂真正的鄰居,是你能夠穿著拖 鞋去見的人。 說雖如此,但在我們這個富裕卻有點冷漠的社會,會去拜訪 鄰居的人已經不多;而在世界其他地方,人們從一處走到另 一處,卻可能連拖鞋都沒有一雙可穿。 去年夏天自願到中國各個偏遠地區當義工的中大學生,一 定也有類似體驗。想像一下他們所受到的文化衝擊。 中大素來鼓勵學生走出校門助人,近年更致力令這方面的 工作更有組織,協調更完善。I ‧ CARE博群大中華實習計劃 就是一個好例子。本期特寫會介紹這個計劃,看看參與計 劃的學生的故事,他們到中國大陸的非政府組織實習,負責 的工作由為內蒙古的農民提供小額貸款、保存貴州少數民 族村落的文化,以至照顧廣東的麻瘋康復者。 如果中大是一條鄉村,那麼在這裏土生土長的 李致和 結束 戰績彪炳的全職運動員生涯後回來,可說是還鄉。他的新 角色是培養下一代的中大體壇健將。他在「……如是說」告 訴讀者轉換跑道後的心情,這場新比賽對於耐力、堅毅和 靈活的要求,實不亞於他以前三項鐵人的競技場。 There is a witty saying which goes: A true neighbour is someone you can visit in your slippers. Well, in our affluent but somewhat alienating society, not too many people have neighbours to visit in the first place. But in other parts of the world, people might not even have slippers to put on when they go anywhere at all. The CUHK students who volunteered their services in different remote areas of China last summer must have experienced something like that. Imagine their culture shock. CUHK has always encouraged its students to go out and lend a helping hand. In recent years, such effort has become more organized and better coordinated. The I • CARE NGO Internship Programme in Greater China is a good example. The feature story of this issue will introduce this initiative and look at some of the participants of this programme who did internship work with NGOs on the mainland. Such work ranges from arranging small loans to farmers in Inner Mongolia, cultural preservation in Guizhou’s minority villages, to caring for ex-leprosy patients at a Guangdong rehabilitation centre. Mr. Lee Chi-wo Daniel is a native of CUHK who has returned after an illustrious career in professional athletics. His new role is that of a teacher to help groom the next generation of CUHK athletes. In ‘Thus Spake…’, he will tell us how he feels at the starting line of another race which would take no less of his stamina, resilience and agility. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 從心出發:神州實習啟蒙之旅 2 The Heart’s Journey: An Enlightening Internship in China 洞明集 In Plain View 4 舌尖上的中大 Mouth-watering Morsels 5 校園消息 Campus News 6 藝文雅趣 Arts and Leisure 8 昔與今 Then vs Now 9 宣布事項 Announcements 10 人事動態 Ins and Outs 11 李致和如是說 Thus Spake Daniel Lee 12 2 No. 414, 19.3.2013