Bulletin Offprints(II) Printed with No. 2, 2013
Director of the Appointments Service as members. The Board shall recommend to the Vice-Chancellor broad policies concerning the operation of the Appointments Service and measures of co-ordination for appointments offices within the University. A programme is being developed to bridge the gap between the graduates and the community—a threefold service in the interest of the students, the employers and the community. Early in July, 1967, Vice-Chancellor C.M. Li appointed an ad hoc Committee to do the planning work for an Appointments Board and Service for the University. The Committee, with Mr. Brian K.K. Yu, the then Personnel Manager of Shell Company of Hong Kong Ltd., as Chairman, did much in the establishment of this new Appointments Board and Service. On service to students, the Appointments Office, with Dr. Francis K. Pan as Director, will assist in initiating and developing job opportunities, furnishing occupational information, research on remuneration and employment trends as well as in organizing training courses with orientation to the furtherance of career interests. On service to employers, the office will channel and follow up their referrals for personnel replacements and executive development and provide closer contacts between prospective employers and employees. The work of individual counselling to students, their nomination, recom- mendation and final placement will be handled as before by the Colleges' own offices. Thus the University's Appointments Service is primarily a co-ordinating centre of student services and a clearing house of employment information. BUILDING DEVELOPMENT Volumn Five • December 1968 • Number Four The completion of the Benjamin Franklin Centre The Occupation Permit of the Benjamin Franklin Centre was issued by the Building Authority of the Hong Kong Government on 31st December, 1968. The timing was perfect as it was right on schedule. The construction cost amounts to two and a half million dollars and is a gift from the American people to the students and staff of the University. The architects of the Centre are the Hon. W. Szeto and his associates, and the engineer is Mr. H.C. Chan. The building has four storeys and a total area of 4 4 , 0 00 square feet and will house the Central Office of the University tem- porarily in the near future. The athletic field at Chung Chi College The rebuilding of the athletic field at Chung Chi College was finally completed. Public funds totalling nearly one million dollars have been spent on constructing the field roads and on improving the surrounding and facilities. The new athletic area includes a 400-metre track, two tennis courts, two volley ball courts, three basketball courts and a soccer field. The stadium, donated by Mr. Chan Tak Tai, has an 800-seat capacity and also provides office space, storage and shower rooms. The stud- ents can now fully utilize the facilities and will be given proper guidance and training in physical activities. REMOVAL OF CENTRAL OFFICE TO SHATIN CAMPUS Volumn Five ‧ March 1969 ‧ Number Six The Central Office of the University moved to the University campus in Shatin on 10th March, 1969. The Benjamin Franklin Centre is being temporarily used for this purpose until the Ad- ministration Building is completed in 1970. A commemorative photograph of the Administrative and Academic-Planning Committee ( AAPC) and staff in attendance was taken on 4th March, at the last meeting held in the Vice-Chancellor's Office in Kowloon at the end of a long series of meetings starting in early 1964. (picture in Chinese section) In August the Graduate School and the University Library will also move to Shatin. The University has ordered a Siemens ESK 3000 E private automatic branch exchange for the university complex at Shatin. It has an initial capacity of 35 exchange lines and 4 00 extensions but is capable of further unlimited expansion. This exchange will provide all telephone communications 13
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