Orally-dissolving Films for Overcoming Biopharmaceutic Challenges of Drug Molecules (HK$963,700)
Sponsors: Innovation and Technology Fund—Innovation and Technology Support Programme
Principal investigator: Prof. Thomas Wai-yip Lee (School of Pharmacy)
Research and Production of Herbal Agents for Skin Care (HK$587,995)
Sponsors: Innovation and Technology Fund—Innovation and Technology Support Programme
Principal investigator: Prof. Ping-chung Leung (Institute of Chinese Medicine)
A Feasibility Study Correlating Molecular Signatures between Initial Biopsies and Resected Specimens in Patients with Unresectable Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours Who Become Resectable after Neoadjuvant Imatinib Mesylate and Exploring Potential Treatment Implications (HK$50,000)
Sponsors: Young Investigator Research Grant
Principal investigator: Dr. Herbert Ho-fung Loong (Department of Clinical Oncology)
Application of GeneXpert on Bronchoscopic Samples in the Clinical Management of Patients Suspicious of Tuberculosis (HK$156,000)
Sponsors: The Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association
Principal investigator: Dr. Kin-Wang To (Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases)
Learning Peace through Global Education (LPGE) (HK$586,100)
Sponsors: Quality Education Fund
Principal investigator: Prof. Simon Xu-hui Shen (International Affairs Research Centre Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies)
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Freshwater Fish in Hong Kong and South China (HK$1,016,460)
Sponsors: Environment and Conservation Fund
Principal investigator: Prof. Ka-hou Chu (School of Life Sciences)
The Implications of CYP2B6 Genotype in Long Term Efavirenz Treatment (HK$375,632)
Sponsors: AIDS Trust Fund
Principal investigator: Prof. Shui-shan Lee (Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases)
Population Status and Ecology of Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) in Hong Kong (HK$499,940)
Sponsors: Environment and Conservation Fund
Principal investigator: Prof. Lee-man Chu (School of Life Sciences)