Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2007

Did You Know? • The Hong Kong Medical Association states that walking an average of 8,000 steps a day, five days a week, can half the risk of heart disease and stroke. • A study tracking the health of 11,130 Harvard alumni shows that those who expend 1,000 calories a week (equivalent to walking a half-hour a day, five days a week) cut their risk of stroke by 24%, while those who work off 2,000 calories a week (equivalent to walking 60 minutes a day, five days a week) reduce their risk of stroke by up to 46%. The MTR station-Shaw route was selected to show University members how quickly and enjoyably a seemingly long journey can be covered on foot. It also passes through certain scenic spots on campus that are off the beaten track, namely, the Alumni Trail and the Chinese Medicine Garden. The University strives to promote walking among its staff and students. In addition to health benefits and enjoyment of the natural scenery, walking can reduce the burden on buses and keep the air clean. 20 Chinese University Bulletin