Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2000

Large number s of remnants of prehistoric houses have also been uncovered a t sites including Tung Wan, P a Ta u Kwu, and Pak Mong on Lantau Island, and Tai Wan on Lamma Island. These finds disprove the theory that Honh Kong's earliest inhabitants were boat people. I n 1998, an excavation t e am f r om t h e Un i v e r s i ty uncovered remain s o f over 6,000 y e a rs ag o o n Ce n t re Island in Tolo Harbour, just off the coast of M a Li u Shui. T h r o u g h it s wo rk t h e centre contributes significantly to the salvage o f excavation sites in th e territory and the understanding of prehistoric Hong Kong. Unearthed artefactsfrom Tung Wan onLantau Island In the background: CUHK archaeological team members gauging the structure of aprehistoric house in Pa TauKwu Probing Prehistoric Hong Kong 5 Preservin g and Illuminatin g Hon g Kong's Cultura l Heritag e