Bulletin Spring‧Summer 2001
physicists whose wo rk has contributed significantly to the understanding of the nature of matter itself and the forces that act upon it. One of the world's richest and most p r e s t i g i o us p r i z e s , the K i n g Fa i s a l International Prize carries a cash award of US$200,000 for each of the five categories of Service to Islam, Islamic Studies, Arabic Literature, Medicine, and Science. The award winner also receives a 22-carat gold medallion and certificate. • Prof. Dennis Lo Yuk- m i n g , a s s o c i a te p r o f e s s o r i n the D e p a r t m e n t o f Chemical Pathology , was selected one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons for 2000. The selection is o r g a n i z e d by the Hong Kong Junior Chamber to give formal recognition to young persons who excel in professional endeavours and service to the community. P r o f. L o has made o u t s t a n d i n g contribution in the application o f D N A technology to medical diagnosis. He has also been actively involved in the development of new blood tests for common cancers in Asia, in particular nasopharyngeal cancer. Professorial Appointment Professor of Psychology Prof. Chen Hsuan Chih has been appointed professor of psycholog y f r om 1st October 2000. Prof. Chen obtained his BA in educational psychology from Fu-Jen Catholic University in Taiwan in 1977, his M A in experimental psychology from California State University in 1979, and his Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the University of Kansas in 1982. He j o i n e d T h e Chinese U n i v e r s i ty as l e c t u r e r i n ps y cho l ogy in 1983, b e c o m i n g s e n i o r lecturer in 1990, and reader i n 1995. He is a member o f th e American Psychological A s s o c i a t i o n , t h e Psychonomic Society, and the Cognitive Science Society. H is research interests include language processing in Chinese and bilingualism. New University Librarian Dr. Colin Storey was appointed University L i b r a r i a n f r om 16th October 2000. Dr. Storey obtained a B A in Chinese studies from Leeds University in 1970, a postgraduate diploma in librarianship from the then Liverpool Polytechnic (now John Moores University) in 1972. He was awarded an M.Phil. in 1981 by the University of East Anglia for his thesis on policy oscillation in Shanghai during the late 1950s, and a Ph.D. i n h i s t o ry f r om the University of Hong Kong in 2000. Dr. Storey has wo r k ed for L i v e r p o ol Public Libraries, and the library at Norwich City College and the then Teesside Polytechnic (now University of the Teesside). From 1984 to 1988 , he was head of service, then acting sub-librarian, then deputy librarian at Bristol Polytechnic (now University of the West of E n g l a n d ). He j o i n e d the H o n g K o n g Polytechnic (now Hong Kong Polytechnic University) library as Associate Librarian (Technical Services) in 1988 , becoming Associate Librarian (Administration) in 1991. Chinese University Bulletin Spring • Summer 2001 52
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