Newsletter No. 342

2 No. 342, 4.9.2009 ● 會「寫」會「看」的機械人 Robots That ‘Write’ and ‘See’ 機械與自動化工程學系系主任任揚教授( 左 ) 領導研發的機械人系統,「看」過中國書 法或簡單的畫後,即可模仿寫字和繪畫 技術。這套系統配備由高精度微動作 控制平台操控的機械毛筆,在完 成一次書寫後,裝配在平台上 的攝影鏡頭可以捕捉它的「作 品」,加以分析,改進活動軌迹, 使下一次的書寫效果更佳。 人手的關節可以靈活活動,機械 手卻有不少限制,任教授稱這 項目可作為研究機械人動作的平 台,而這技術也可應用於藝術層 面上,探索科技與藝術的結合。 任教授說,現擬發展的下一步,就是捕捉畫家作畫時的手部動作,從而分析及模 仿,創作新畫,或將不同風格的畫或書法融合,甚至人機共同寫作書畫。 Developed by Prof. Yam Yeung (left), chairman of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, and his team, the robot REAP (Robotic Expression of Acquired Penmanship) can learn to replicate Chinese calligraphy and painting after ‘seeing’ a work of art. The robotic system presents a high-precision engineering environment that controls the delicate motions of a brush-pen. At each replication, the output may be captured using a camera installed on the platform to provide visual feedback for analysis and improvement in the next replication. Human joints can move with agility but mechanical joints have many constraints. Professor Yam said that the main challenge of the project is to use robotic mechanisms to emulate the versatile human skills in Chinese artistry. By choosing art as the focus of study, the platform also serves to explore the integration of technology and art, and possibly new forms of artistic expression. Professor Yam’s next goal is to capture the hand movements of actual painters for analysis and modeling. New styles of painting or calligraphy may be generated by extrapolating and mixing of the captured ones. Joint human-machine creation of artistic pieces will open doors to new art forms and aesthetics. 部分研究成果 Research Highlights ● 會「說」的機械人 Robots That ‘Speak’ 由系統工程與工程管理學系蒙美玲教授( 下 )領導開發的, 是一個漢語文本到語音的實時合成器,名為「晶晶」。 只要輸入漢語文本,「晶晶」即可以用廣東話或普通話 進行語音合成,發聲並同時做出唇部動作,還可以加上 面部表情和頭部動作以助溝通。 在應用方面,研究人員把自動語音識別技術改造,使它 可以支持計算機輔助發音練習 (CAPT),從而提高以中文 為母語的英語學習者的發音。CAPT系統可以自動偵測誤 讀、診斷和反饋正確讀音,有助用者掌握第二語言。 A real-time Chinese text-to-speech synthesizer named Crystal was developed under this project led by Prof. Helen Meng (below), professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management. It accepts Chinese textual input and generates audiovisual output with natural-sounding Cantonese/Putonghua speech synchronized with the animated lip movements of an avatar. The avatar can exhibit facial expressions and head movements. In terms of application, the researchers have adapted conventional automatic speech recognition technologies to support Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training (CAPT) that aims to improve the English pronunciations of native Chinese speakers. The CAPT system can automatically detect and diagnose mispronunciation, and give corrective feedback to facilitate second language acquisition. NEWS & EVENTS 今 年,三十名游泳、田徑、手球、籃球、羽毛球等 項目的傑出運動員獲頒「運動員獎學金」,入讀 中大本科課程。他們包括前中國女排國家隊成員、雅典 奧運金牌選手張萍( 左 ),以及香港劍擊精英、在多哈亞運 會奪得女子佩劍銅牌的周梓淇( 右 )。 在2004年雅典奧運女子排球項目中代表中國隊奪金的張 萍,原在天津工業大學就讀,後經「優才計劃」來港定 居,再循非聯招計劃獲中大錄取,主修體育及運動科學。 張萍稱:「香港是一個東西薈萃的國際都市,我很高興 來港唸書,拓闊世界視野。中大的運動科學課程優秀, 對我在體育方面的發展有很大幫助。我希望可以將在國 家排球隊的經驗與香港的同學分享,並在畢業後把我的 運動知識貢獻社會。」 獲錄取入讀哲學系的周梓淇,1999年起已是香港劍擊 代表隊成員,2003年獲選為香港傑出新秀運動員。在 2006年多哈亞運會中,她同時奪得個人及團體女子佩劍 銅牌。周梓淇現於國際劍擊聯會中排名全世界第十四, 為歷來排名最高的香港劍擊運動員。 T his year, CUHK admitted via the Sports Scholarship Scheme 30 undergraduates who excel at sports such as swimming, track and field, handball, basketball and badminton. Among them are Miss Zhang Ping (top), former member of the Chinese women’s volleyball team and gold medallist at the 2004 Athens Olympics, and Miss Chow Tsz-ki (right), member of the women’s sabre team and bronze medallist at individual competitions in the Asia Games in Doha. Before joining CUHK, Miss Zhang Ping studied at Tianjin Polytechnic University. She migrated to Hong Kong through the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme and was admitted to the University’s physical education and sports science programme via the non-JUPAS channel. Miss Zhang was glad to be admitted to CUHK, ‘Hong Kong is an international city where East meets West. I am so happy to have the opportunity to pursue my studies here. The physical education and sports science programme is comprehensive and I believe it will enhance my sports career. I hope my experience in the Chinese women’s volleyball team will serve as encouragement for Hong Kong students and that I can contribute to society after graduation.’ Miss Chow Tsz-ki was admitted by the CUHK philosophy depart- ment. Since 1999, she has been a fencing representative of Hong Kong and in 2003, she was selected for the Hong Kong Potential Sports Stars Award. Tsz-ki took part in the 2006 Asia Games in Doha and won bronze medals in women’s sabre team and individual competitions. Tsz-ki’s world ranking is 14, the highest among Hong Kong fencers. ( 接上頁 Continued ) 運動精英雲集中大 CUHK Admits Excellent Athletes