Bulletin No. 1, 2012
A Brand New Reacquaintance 7 Prof. Leung Mei-yee world of science and knowledge through the study of classical texts. Prof. Leung Mei-yee , programme director of the General Education (GE) Foundation Course, said, ‘CUHK is the first university in Hong Kong to use core-text reading for general education. (Note: a ‘core text’ is the ultimate source text for a major philosophical or theological idea.) Our strong GE tradition had been largely aimed at broadening knowledge. By contrast, the new GE foundation courses move away from the science and arts divide, to focus on giving students a common intellectual experience involving common topics on cultures and traditions that have been influencing the world.’ Reading classical texts also serves to let students know what’s important in university education, and what is demanded of them. ‘We want them to read classical texts from different cultures, think about them, and tell each other and write about what they think. We want to take advantage of the ‘3+3+4’ conversion to get students into the habit of discussing serious topics, and not expect everything to be dumbed down for ease of consumption.’
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