Dr. LAU Kwok-chi, Victor
BSc (CUHK), PGDE (CUHK), MEd (CUHK), EdD (Leic)
Professional Consultant, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Assistant Dean (Field and Professional Experiences), Faculty of Education
Director, Office of School Partnership and Community Engagement (SPCE)
Co-Director, Amgen Biotech Experience Hong Kong

Amgen Biotech Experience HK webpage: http://abehk.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/
Served as biology and science teacher at secondary schools for 15 years and science educators at tertiary institutions for 10 years. Courses taught include: Subject Curriculum and Teaching in Biology, Teaching, Curriculum and Assessment in Science Education, Environmental Education, Teaching and Learning in Liberal StudiesResearch Areas
Curriculum and teaching in science and biology, nature of science, scientific inquiry, science-technology-society, PISA studiesSelected Publications
Referred journal articles and book chapters- Lau, Kwok-chi, Ho, S. (2020). Attitudes towards science, teaching practices, and science performance in PISA 2015: Multilevel Analysis of the Chinese and Western top performers. Research in Science Education. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11165-020-09954-6 (published online on 28 July 2020) (Indexed in Social Science Citation Index, SSCI)
- Lau, Kwok-chi. (2020). An improved physical lung model for teaching lung ventilation. American Biology Teacher, 82 (6)1-3. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/abt.2020.82.6.1. (Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded, SCIE)
- Lau, Kwok-chi. (2020). A water balloon eye model for teaching about the human eye. American Biology Teacher, 82 (5), 341-343. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/abt.2020.82.5.341. (Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded, SCIE)
- Lau, K-C., Lo, A. H-F. & Wong, K-B. (2018). An adaptation of Anfinsen’s protein folding experiment for classroom investigation. American Biology Teacher, 80 (5), 379-384.
- Lau, K. C. (2017). Teaching about nature of science through short lab activities in Hong Kong classroom. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 18 (2). Retrieved from http://www.eduhk.hk/apfslt/
- Lau, K. C. & Lam, Y. P. T. (2017). Instructional practices and science performance of 10 top-performing regions in PISA 2015. International Journal of Science Education, 15. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2017.1387947
- Lau, K. C. (2017). Performance of Hong Kong students in scientific literacy and its trend in PISA. In E. S. C. Ho (Ed.), What we learned from PISA: The outstanding performance of students in Hong Kong and East Asia, pp. 153-186. World Scientific.
- Maxwell-Reid, C. & Lau, K. C. (2016). Genre and technicality in analogical explanations: Hong Kong's English language textbooks for junior secondary science. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 23, 31-46
- Lee, Y.C., Lau, K. C., Yip, V. (2016). Blended Learning for Building Student-Teachers’ Capacity to Learn and Teach Science-related Interdisciplinary Subjects: The Case of Hong Kong. Asian Association of Open Universities Journal.
- Lau, K. C., Ho S. C. & Lam Y. P. (2015). Effective classroom pedagogy and beyond for promoting scientific literacy: Is there an East Asian model. In M. S. Khine (Ed.), Science Education in East Asia. Springer International Publishing.
- Lam, T. Y. P., & Lau, K. C. (2014). Examining factors affecting science performance of Hong Kong in PISA 2006 using hierarchical linear modelling. International Journal of Science Education, 36(15), 2463–2480. doi:10.1080/09500693.2013.8
- Lau, K. C. (2014). The science education of the East Asian regions – what we can learn from PISA. Asia Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 15(2). Retrieved from http://www.eduhk.hk/apfslt/
- Lau, K. C. & Chan, S. L. (2013 Oct). Teaching about theory-laden observation to secondary students through manipulated lab inquiry experience. Science & Education, 22, 2641–2658.
- Lau, K. C. (2013 Sep). Seeing and feeling how enzyme works using tangible model. American Biology Teacher, 75, 499–501.
- Lau, K. C. (2013 Apr). Impacts of a STSE high school biology course on the scientific literacy of Hong Kong students. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 14. Retrieved from http://www.ied.edu.hk/apfslt/
- Lau, K. C. (2009). A critical examination of PISA's assessment of scientific literacy. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7 (6), 1061-1088.
- Lau, K. C. & Yip, D. Y. (2004). Alternative conceptions on genetic diagram: What are they and how could they be eliminated? Hong Kong Science Teachers’ Journal, 22(1), 44-54.
Other publications
- Lau, K.C. (2018). Active Science. Ch 10 & 12, Hong Kong: Pearson. (EDB approved textbook for HK secondary 1-3 Integrated Science since 2018).
- Lau, K.C. (2018). Bringing biotechnology experiments into Hong Kong secondary school through Amgen Biotech Experiences. The Newsletter of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, 11 (1).
- Lau, K. C., Li M, Liao L. (2018). Assessment of Students’ Views of Nature of Science in the Context of the Discovery of DNA Structure. Proceedings of MAC 2018 in Prague: 196-216.
- Lam, T. Y. P., Lau, K. C. & Ho, E. S. C. (2018, in press). Achievement of Hong Kong students in scientific literacy in PISA 2015. In Hong Kong PISA 2015 Regional Report. Hong Kong: HKCISA.
- Lau, K. C., Li M. & Liao L. (2015). Contextual Survey of Students’ Understanding of Nature of Science, Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2015 1 pgs. Hong Kong, 2015.12.16.
- Lau, K. C. (2014). Achievement of Hong Kong students in scientific literacy in PISA 2012. In Hong Kong PISA 2012 Regional Report. Hong Kong: Hong Kong PISA Centre.
- Lau, K. C. (2011). Achievements of Hong Kong students in scientific literacy in PISA 2009. In The Fourth HKPISA report, PISA 2009, ch 5. Hong Kong PISA centre.
- Lau, K. C. (2011b). Knowledge and skills that science teachers need for teaching the nature of science. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK.
- 吳本韓、劉國智丶李子建及張善培 (2009). 香港小學常識科課程實踐研究計劃,質性研究,中期報告. 32頁.香港特別行政區:香港中文大學教育學院大學與學校夥伴協作中心
- Lau, K.C., Chan, K. Y., Lau, T. K., Lam, M. Y. (2009). Success key for Biology. Book 1–8, Hong Kong: Manhattan Press.
- Lee, Y. C., Cheng, M. H., Lau, K. C., Cheung, Y. H., & Chung, H. S. (2009). Learning and teaching resources for senior secondary biology curriculum: Problem-based learning. Science Education Section, Education Bureau, Hong Kong.
- Lee, Y. C., Cheng, M. H., Lau, K. C., Cheung, Y. H., & Chung, H. S. (2009). Curriculum resources for infusing ideas about Science-technology-society-environment connections into the learning and teaching of senior secondary biology curriculum. Science Education Section, Education Bureau, Hong Kong
- Lau, K.C. (2009). Cognitive factors that affect the translation of NOS understandings into teaching practice. Paper presented at the International Science Education Conference 2009 held at Singapore.*
- Lau, K. C. and Lam, I. (2007). How to plan scientific inquiry. In W. So (Ed), Scientific Inquiry: Primary School Teaching (pp 58-60). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Council of Heads of Primary Schools, Church of Christ in China, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Science, Social Sciences and Technology Department. (In Chinese)
- Lau, K. C. & Chan, M. C. (2002). Exploring Science, book 1 to 3. Jing Kung Educational Press, Hong Kong (EDB approved textbooks for HK secondary 1-3 Integrated Science)
- Lau, K. C. (1998). Target-oriented Assessment Questions for Integrated Science, 1 to 3. Jing Kung Educational Press, Hong Kong.
Selected Research Projects and Funding
Project Title | Role | Sponsor | Period | Amount | |
1. | Increasing the impacts and reach of the Amgen Biotech experience Programme 2020-2023 | Project leader and Site Director | Amgen Foundation | 2020-2023 | US$405,020 |
2. | STEAM@soybean – Promotion of STEAM education through investigations of soybean cultivation | Project leader | EDB (QEF) | 2020-2023 | HK$2,288,700 |
3. | Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) Years 2017-2020 | Project leader and Site Director | Amgen Foundation | 2017-2020 | US$288,420. |
4. | Joint University Collaboration to Develop Students' Competence and Leadership in Promoting Integrated STEM Education | Project leader | University Grants Committee (UGC) | 2016-19 | Total: HK$4,953,900 CUHK share: HK$693,546 Matching from CUHK: HK$297,234 |
5. | Amgen Biotech Experience Hong Kong Site | Principal Project Supervisor | Amgen Foundation, US | 10/2016-7/2017 | USD$ 49,610 |
6. | Provision of Services for the Programme for International Student Assessment 2018 in Hong Kong (ED15488) | Team member (science expert) | EDB, HKSAR | 2015-12-01 to 2021-04-30 | HKD 12,847,421.00 (12.5% in my share) |
7. | Blended Learning for Building Student-Teachers’ Capacity to Learn and Teach Science-related Interdisciplinary Subjects | Principal Project Supervisor | University Grants Committee (UGC) | Jun 2014 to May 2016 | HKD 4,035,900 |
8. | Development of a general issue enquiry templates and cases on environmental and public health issues for prospective Liberal Studies teachers in forms of eLearning micro-modules | Principal Investigator | Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant ,CUHK | Jan 2015 to Dec 2015 | HKD 28,000.00 |
9. | Developing pedagogical content knowledge of student-teachers through self-directed learning in an online learning environment | Co-supervisor | Teaching Development Grant, Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning, CUHK | 1 Sept 2015 to 31 July 2016 | HK$419,000 |
10. | Programme for International Student Assessment 2012 in Hong Kong (PISA) | Research Team Member (science expert) | Education Bureau | Jul 2010 to Jun 2014 | HKD 12,903,449.00 |
11. | Promoting Learning of Education Students through Video-based Teaching Cases | Co-supervisor | CUHK Teaching Development Grant | Sep 2009 to Aug 2012 | HKD 700,000.00 |
12. | Provision of Service for Conducting an Evaluation Study on the Implementation of the General Studies for Primary Schools Curriculum | Co-investigator | Education Bureau | Nov 2008 to Dec 2009 | HKD 1,100,000.00 |