Newsletter No. 358
No. 358, 19.5.2010 project coordinator Miss Esther Cheng says, ‘Students go on guided tours to churches and temples. They visit mosques and Buddhist halls to have a taste of Islam and vegetarian food. They also take lessons in “Zen” practice. These first-hand experiences are much inspiring than classroom lectures.’ As for secondary school teachers, the HID organizes workshops for them to deepen their understanding of religious traditions and doctrines, familiarize them with the theories of the sociology of religion, and teach them the skills of organizing religious study activities. Moreover, activities such as international conferences and inter-faith concerts are held on an irregular basis. The project has a different theme each year. The one this year is ‘Religious Sites and Daily Life’. Professor Kung says, ‘We have a variety of religious sites around us and many have interesting stories that can be used to shed light on the relationship between religion and everyday life. For instance, while taking students on a tour of Chi Lin Nunnery, in addition to introducing them to Tang dynasty (AD618–906) architecture, of which it is a replica, we also draw their attention to the fact that it is a home for the elderly. We stimulate their thinking by asking questions like: why does this religious organization provide such service? What’s wrong with the elderly services in Hong Kong? How can religious organizations fill the gap?’ Teaching Resources Database This year sees the seventh anniversary of the project. Miss Cheng says, ‘Though the number of participating schools varies from year to year, there were around 20 at the lowest, maximizing at 37. The ratio of schools with religious backgrounds and those without is three to one. In Hong Kong, 40% of secondary schools are Protestant church-run, accounting for the majority of the participating schools. Some students joined the project at their own will. The result is encouraging. We found out that several students who had taken part in the project were admitted to CRS and other CUHK departments.’ Professor Kung believes that the most meaningful aspect of the project is the application of the University’s research output to religious and life education in secondary schools. Teaching materials for the said purpose have been compiled and databases set up. Professor Kung says, ‘As religious studies have been earmarked as an independent study topic of the Liberal Studies curriculum in the New Senior Secondary Curriculum and the importance of moral and civil education has been emphasized, more opportunities for CUHK and secondary schools to strengthen cooperation have been opened up. The only problem is funding. The project is now partially supported by CRS. But a big chunk of support for its running cost comes from the Quality Education Fund, which we have to apply for every year. With such unstable financial sources, its continuity is in question, making long-term development impossible.’ (接上頁 Continued ) 去年11月舉辦的跨宗教音樂會 An inter-faith musical concert held in November 2009 禪修 ‘Zen’ practice 內蒙的海外考察 Field trip to Inner Mongolia 從生活看宗教 龔教授說:「我們的目的不是宣傳宗教,而是從社會學的角 度,讓學生認識我們生活的世界是有着宗教層面的。好像 黃大仙廟,既是善信參拜求神的地方,也是著名的景點; 香港許多非佛教徒也會到廟宇吃齋;赤柱的軍人墳場也是 遊人愛到的地方。」 計劃活動包括專題研習、文化討論、領袖訓練、義工培訓、 人物採訪、海外體驗團,以及宗教和社區考察等。計劃統 籌鄭盈中小姐補充說:「我們會帶學生走出教室,在導賞 員講解下參觀教堂、廟宇,又會到清真寺和佛堂品嚐回教 菜和素食,參與禪修。這些親身體驗較在課堂聽講來得真 實。」支援教師方面,則會有專題工作坊, 方便他們掌握宗教傳統、宗教學和宗教社 會學的理論知識,以及策劃宗教考察的技 巧。此外,計劃亦會舉辦非定期活動,如國 際會議及跨宗教音樂會。 生活不斷在變,是以計劃的主題也每年 不同,本年度的主題是宗教與日常生活場 所。龔教授表示:「各式各樣的宗教場所近 在咫尺,我們常有接觸。這些場所背後隱 藏着很多故事。因此,帶領學生參觀志蓮 淨苑時,除講述其仿唐的建築結構,也會 帶出原來內有不少長者居住,由此引導學 生思考,為何這個宗教團體會承擔安老服 務?繼而引伸下去,再問香港的安老服務 出現了甚麼問題?宗教團體如何補足?」 In the past, the six religions communicated with each other but the communication was limited to formal meetings between high-level personnel. Interaction never impacted daily life. When the project was proposed by CUHK, the six religious leaders have been very supportive by not only acting as consultants, but also encouraging their schools’ participation. ‘We believe it is good for Christian school students to learn something about Buddhism and Daoism, and vice versa. This learning process can foster mutual respect among different religions and cultures, and achieve harmony in diversity.’ Religion in Life Professor Kung says, ‘Instead of promoting religion, our objective is to develop students’ understanding of the religious aspects of human life from a sociology perspective. For example, Wong Tai Sin Temple is as much a place of worship as a tourist attraction. Non- Buddhists visit Buddhist monasteries for vegetarian meals. And the Stanley Military Cemetery is a favourite spot for sightseers.’ The project comprises activities ranging from project learning, cultural discussions, leadership training, volunteer training, interviews, overseas study trips, to field trips to religious institutions and communities. Its 建立中學教材資料庫 計劃踏入第七年,總結成果,鄭小姐說:「雖然每年參與 計劃的學校數目不同,但最少也有二十多所,最多有三十 七所。有宗教背景和沒有的比例則是三比一,由於四成的 香港中學是由基督教開辦,故又以基督教學校數目最多。 有學生參加活動後,翌年主動向學校查詢何時再可參加, 並連續數年參與,這是令人欣慰的。我們還發現有曾參與 計劃的學生其後入讀中大文化及宗教研究系及其他學系 哩。」 數字以外,龔教授認為最有意義的是把大學的關注和研究 成果,應用於中學的宗教及生命教育。藉此機會,也為中 學編寫了教材和建立資料庫。 龔教授又說:「隨着新高中課程中的通識教育科將宗教列 為可參考獨立專題研習之一,加上中學亦需處理品格和公 民教育,正好開拓了更多大學與中學合作發展的空間。唯 一的問題是,計劃小部分經費由文化及宗教研究系支持, 大部分需每年向優質教育基金申請撥款,財政不穩定,不 能作較長遠的策劃,窒礙了計劃的延續發展。」
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