Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1992

topics will be started. The department has also established the beginning of a relationship with universities abroad and in China in several areas. There will be exchange of visits with Tongji University and Southeast University in Nanjing to discuss the improvement of basic design teaching. There have been and will continue to be visits by researchers from the Martin Centre at Cambridge University, the computer resource laboratory of the School of Architecture and Planning at MIT, the Ohno Laboratory of the University of Tokyo and the computer laboratory of the University of Michigan. Indeed much exciting work awaits the faculty and students of the young department. • Know These Teachers Mr. B.D. Sullivan. M.Arch.(MIT), has worked for both the private and public sectors with an emphasis on housing and urban design, and taught at the University of Miami in Florida, USA. Prof. Tunney Lee, B.Arch. (Michigan), has worked with architectural firms of Buckminster Fuller and I.M. Pei, and public agencies in Massachusetts, and has taught at Harvard University and MIT. Prof. J.J. Wehrer, B.Arch. (Michigan), has worked for Eero Saarinen and Buckminster Fuller; retired after several decades of distinguished teaching at the University of Michigan. Mr, A. Li, M.Arch. (Harvard), worked for Architectural Resources, Cambridge, Massachusetts and taught at Tunghai University in Taiwan from 1988 to 1991. Ms. P.L Woo, B.Arch. (Singapore), M.Sc. and MCP(MIT), has extensive professional experience in Singapore and with Ellenzweig Associates of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Department of Architecture • 7