Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2000
Comprehensive Audit of the Campus Environment The Chinese University campus is known for its natural beauty. A cherished asset of all members of the University, it is the result of close to four decades' of painstaking effort. In September 1999, the University conducted Hong Kong's first ever campus environmental audit. Comprehensive data on the University's facilities, operations, and environmental conditions were gathered to facilitate the planning of environmental work for the coming decade. The exercise wa s carried out by the then Centre for Environmental Studies under the direction of the Environmental Protection Monitoring Group. Chaired by director of the centre, Prof. Lam Kin-che, the group comprised teachin g staff, students, and representatives from administrative units. According to Prof. Lam Kin-che, the audit lasted for six months and involved over 10 University units. The water and air quality and the noise level etc. of over 20 sites were observed and monitored. The group also studied relevan t documents and sought the professional advice of the Hong Kong Productivity Council on the audit procedure. Hong Kong's First Campus Environemnt Action Plan The audit shows that the campus landscape is tranquil, its waters clear, and its air fresher than that of th e city. It also verifies that members of the University have a high level of environmental awareness, and that the operations of the University are well planned and wel l manage d so that ecologically unsound element s are kept to a minimum. A s umma r y of the aud it report and an associated environmental action plan were released at a press conference held on 5th June 2000 to mark World Environment Day. The action plan contains eight salient points for greening the campus. Hong Kong'sfirst ever campus e nvironmental action plan was announced at apress conferenc. (From left: pro-vice-chancellor Prof. P. W. Liu, vice-chancellor Prof. Arthur K. C. Li, and Prof. Lam Kin-chi) Snapshots of a Green Campus A C a m p us Green a n d Clean 47
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