Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1993

Chairm en o fthe U n iversity Council Sir Cho-yiu Kwan, CBE, JP Council Chairman fr o m October 1963 to October 1971 Sir Yuet-keung Kan, GBE, JP Council Chairman f r o m October 1971 to October 1982 First Pro-Chancellor fr o m February 1982 to date Sir Quo-wei Lee, CBE, JP Council Cha irman from October 1982 to date Vice-Chance llors o f theU n iversity Dr. Choh-Ming Li, KBE (Hon.), JP Vice-Chancellor from 1964 to September 1978 Dr. Ma Lin, CBE (Hon.), JP Vice-Chancellor fr om October 1978 to September 1987 Prof. Charles K. Kao , CBE Vice-Chancellor fr o m October 1987 to date 3