Bulletin Spring 1989

international business organizations and foundations. Two examples can be cited. The Department of Electronics has already a consulting unit serving the community needs. We are also introducing innovative industry-sponsored international research fellowships to link our PhD students to industry. Through the engineering programme, we will see a much closer working relationship between the community and the University. Already we have successes in recruiting good teaching staff and the first year registration in these courses has been most encouraging. Over one hundred students have already enrolled. The growth and development of the tertiary education sector for Hong Kong has been placed as a high priority item as Sir David has emphasized in his address at the Opening 1988-89 Session of the Legislative Council. We certainly agree with you, Sir David, and the increased academic activities as a result of the addition of this building is just a concrete step in this direction. The Chinese University is particularly fortunate in having such a magnificent campus. Recently we have proposed to the UPGC that we are in a position to expand to a target student number of 20,000 in the year 2008. This is an extension of the target figure of 10,000 students by the year 1994 set by the UPGC. With our flexible credit unit system, this University will be able to run with greater cost efficiency with the larger student numbers. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who have worked so extremely hard to maintain the progress of this project of constructing the Lady Shaw Building. As we all know labour shortage in the construction field is acute. The completion of this building in time for this opening ceremony is indeed a great achievement. I would like to thank all involved in the planning and execution of this project for their hard work and efficiency. The growth and development of the University depends to a very large extent on the support of the government as well as public-spirited individuals and organizations. This is best exemplified by this building project we see here. On this happy occasion of the opening of the Lady Shaw Building, may I once again thank all those who have supported the University in the past: Sir David, our chancellor, and Sir Run Run in particular. I look forward to their continued support in the future and hope that as liaison and cooperation with the community sector grows and develops, the University will achieve its goals with distinction. Pottery figurines from the tomb of Wu Liu Qi, Qing Dynasty (Exhibition of Archaeological Finds from the Five Dynasties to the Qing Periods in Guangdong) 6