Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2000

A Study of the Non-State Economic Sector in Shenzhen Entitled 'Education a n d D e v e l o pm e n t in South China: A Study of t h e Ma n p o w e r Sy s t em a n d Re l e v a n c e of E d u c a t i on f o r t he Development of the Non- State Economic Sector', the project is led by Prof. C h u n g Yu e - p i n g a n d f u n d e d by the Research Grants Council (RGC). Its objective is to understand t he o p e r a t i on of t h e ma n p owe r system in the non-state economic sector in Shenzhen, identify an efficient education system that is also relevant to the economic development of the region, and explore the effect of economic development on e d u c a t i o n al development. F r om 1994 to 1997, four different surveys by r a n d om sampling were conducte d on the views of schools, as providers of education, students, as recipients of education, Ho ng Kong enterprise s in Shenzhen, as providers of emp l oyme n t, a nd employees, as recipients of emp l oyme n t . The surveys we r e s u p p l e m e n t e d w i t h d o c u m e n t a r y a n a l y s i s , i n t e r v i ews , visits, a n d c l a s s r o om observations. The major findings of the project, completed in 1998, can be s umme d u p as follows: (1) Expansion in and Diversification of Education It is revealed that there has been a rapid expansion in education at all levels in Shenzhen accompanying g r owth in the economy. Such expansion is achieved mainly through a dramatic increase in enrolment i n schools, including institutions for vocational and adult education. There is, however, a comparatively slow increase in the total number of schools. The diversification of education followin g expansion is the result of the central government's policy to increase the provision of vocational and technical training, as well as the local effort to meet the needs of the economy. Interactions Between Education and Economic Development The Experience of Shenzhen 37