Newsletter No. 407
2 No. 407, 19.11.2012 神學院開辦甚麼課程? What programmes of study does the school offer? 崇基學院神學院是華人公立大學中唯一的神學院,提供 六個中大學位課程,包括基礎的文學士(主修神學)課 程、神道學碩士以至哲學博士課程。另開辦三個由東南亞 神學研究院主辦之學士、碩士和博士學位課程。中大的文 學士(主修神學)由大學教育資助委員會資助,其他課程 及神學院的經常費用,則是獨立運作。 The Divinity School of Chung Chi College is the only divinity school in a public university in the Chinese world. It offers six Chinese University degree programmes, ranging from BA (majoring in theology), Master of Divinity to PhD programmes. It also runs Bachelor of Divinity, Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology programmes offered by the South East Asia Graduate School of Theology. Apart from the BA (majoring in theology) at CUHK which is supported by the University Grants Committee, the other programmes and the school’s regular expenses are financed independently by the school. 崇基學院已有禮拜堂,為何還要興建小聖堂? Chung Chi College has a chapel already. Why does it need a new one? 小聖堂與禮拜堂有互補功能。小聖堂可坐約三百五十人, 宜作較小型的崇拜和靜思活動,禮拜堂則可容納一千 二百人,適合書院通識或大型講座等。3+3+4學制下學生 人數增加,禮拜堂使用率也隨之提高。為神學生另闢一 個專屬空間,有助營造屬靈群體氣氛。 They complement each other. The new chapel accommodates 350 people and is more appropriate for small-scale services and meditation activities. The old chapel has a capacity of 1,200, which makes it a better venue for College general education and lectures. With the increase in student numbers due to the implementation of the four-year curriculum, the College Chapel will be occupied more frequently. The new chapel ensures theology students have their own place for spiritual cultivation. 神學樓住的都是神學生嗎? Who lives in the Theology Building? 神學樓於六十年代後期建成,包括男女生宿舍、已婚神學 生家庭宿舍、課室及神學院辦公室。所有單身全日制神學 生均須入住神學樓,此外也有崇基學院本科生入住。容 啟東校長紀念樓落成後,神學院辦公室將逐步遷離神學 樓。 The Theology Building came about in the late 1960s. It has men and women’s hostels, married quarters for theology students, classrooms, and offices. All single, full-time theology students have to live in the building. A few undergraduates in Chung Chi College also reside there. Now that the President Chi-tung Yung Memorial Building is completed, the offices will be relocated to the new building. 港鐵大學站旁的交通交滙處,校巴絡繹不絕,行人 熙來攘往,繁忙緊張的步伐,與商業區不遑多讓。然 而,沿池旁路上行至崇基禮拜堂,再穿過旁邊的蜿 蜒小路,林蔭深處,卻別有洞天。樹影婆娑,水聲潺 潺,伴着蟲鳴鳥叫,一幢天圓地方的建築物跨立於 山谷的小溪上,綠色琉璃瓦頂,與四周青蔥渾成一 體─是崇基學院神學院神學樓的新聖堂,它為繁 囂的校園守着一絲寧謐,留下一處靈思的空間。 小 聖堂去年落成,其興建計劃卻可追溯至1967年。 當時策劃興建神學樓,圖則已包括聖堂,惟因資 金不足而擱置,數十年來,神學生一直沒固定的敬拜場 所。 飄泊流離歲月 崇基學院神學院院長 盧龍光 教授說,敬拜是神學教育重要 的一環。他憶述飄流敬拜的日 子時說:「早期只得二三十位 神學生,崇拜在崇基禮拜堂低 層靜室舉行。後來人數漸增, 地方不敷應用,便遷往神學樓 四樓閱讀室改建成的小教堂, 及後因要方便坐輪椅的同學,又改在神學樓大廳崇拜。」 欠缺固定場所,每次崇拜都得搬桌挪椅,環境難稱理想, 且全日制及兼讀制學生漸多,地方日見擠迫,因此「興建 聖堂」這埋藏多年的心願再次浮現。2003年,神學院校 董會決定興建新聖堂。 困難化為祝福 然而,籌建工作殊不簡單,單是選址及設計已是一項挑 戰,持份者意見紛陳,每個建議和改動總有不同聲音,幾 經波折來回討論,直至2008年才達至共識。工程於2009 年展開,小聖堂終在2011年11月落成。 本來預計兩年的建堂工程,足足花了八年才完成,前後 更換了四位設計師,成本由最初的二千五百萬元大增至 近七千萬元。這個近乎不可能完成的任務,幸好得到五 大宗派—聖公會、中華基督教會(香港區會)、基督教 香港崇真會、香港基督教循道衞理聯合教會和五旬節聖 潔會的支持,加上學院積極籌款,現時已籌得六千二百 萬元。 見證小聖堂的誕生,盧教授說體會到上帝的參與,「很多 人不看好這計劃,認為財政上未必可行,我們很多最初 的構思都被各種因素否定,但這些波折反成祝福,教我 們更堅定不移,憑信心逐步解決問題。我們看到上帝超 乎想像的供應。人無論如何籌算,最終成事乃是上帝的心 意。」 繁囂中的淨土 這座以神學院第一任校長命名的聖堂暨容啟東校長紀 念樓,樓高四層,頂層是小聖堂,其下各層是神學院辦公 室、祈禱室、文物檔案資料室和多功能活動室等。大樓設 有兩道橋延伸至設有升降機的神學院鐘樓,方便輪椅人 士出入。 小聖堂樓面面積一千四百五十平方米,可容納三百五十 人,每天早上九時至下午五時開放予公眾,亦接受團體租 用。盧教授指這裏是校園中「安靜的綠洲」,希望讓大家 在步履匆匆的生活中有空間歇一歇,安靜一下,滌淨心 靈,思索人生,與神相交,添力再上路。 問 與 答 Q & A 崇基學院 Divinity School of Chung Chi College The bustle of the transport hub next to the University MTR exit has the vibes of an urban area with its endless flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Yet if you follow Pond Crescent to Chung Chi College Chapel, then meander down a path into the thick of the woods, a different scenario awaits. There in the valley, amidst the shadow of trees and the song of birds, a Chinese-style building sits astride a gurgling stream. With its roof of green glazed tiles, the new chapel of the Divinity School of Chung Chi College is at one with its natural surroundings, and offers the same peace of mind to its visitors. T he chapel was completed last year, but plans for the construction of a Theology Building that included a chapel went as far back as 1967. The plans were shelved due to lack of funds, so for decades, theology students at CUHK had had to do without a fixed place of worship. Floating Years The Rev. Prof. Lo Lung-kwong , director of the school, said that worship is an important aspect of religious education. Reminiscing the times when there was no fixed venue of worship, he said, ‘In the earliest days, there were 20 to 30 theology students, and they worshipped in the lower-level meditation room of Chung Chi College Chapel. As the number of students grew, they moved to a reading room on the fourth floor of the Theology Building, that had been repurposed into a tiny chapel. Then because we had to accommodate students in wheelchairs, we moved to the main hall of the Theology Building.’ Without a fixed venue, furniture had to be moved around for service. As the number of full-time and part- time students grew, space was tight once again, and the idea of building a chapel resurfaced. In 2003, the council of the school made the decision to build a new chapel. A Blessing in Disguise But the path to construction was far from smooth. Deciding on the location and the design alone were huge challenges. Stakeholders held different views over every proposal and plans for change. After rounds of discussion, consensus was reached in 2008. Work began in 2009, and the chapel materialized in November 2011. A project that was expected to take two years, had taken eight. Moreover, it went through four architects, and the budget shot from HK$25 million to almost HK$70 million. For a time, it seemed like a mission impossible. But thanks to the support of the five denominations, namely, the Anglican Church, the Church of Christ in China (Hong Kong Council), the Tsung Tsin Mission, the Methodist Church, and the Pentecostal Holiness Church, as well as the rigorous fund-raising activities of Chung Chi College, the school now has HK$62 million. Professor Lo said he saw God’s hand in the birth of the chapel. ‘Many people were not optimistic about this project. They felt it was financially not feasible. Many of our initial ideas never saw the light of day, due to various reasons. But these obstacles were really a blessing. They taught us to stand firm and face problems with confidence. In the end, God gave us more than we had imagined ever having. We can plan all we want, but ultimately, it’s God’s will.’ The Pure Land for All The Chapel and President Chi-tung Yung Memorial Building is named after the first president of the Divinity School, Professor Yung. It has four storeys with the top storey housing the chapel. The rest consists of offices, a prayer room, a resource room, and a multi-purpose room, etc. For the convenience of the wheelchair bound, the building has two bridges extending all the way to the bell tower of the Divinity School, where there are lifts. The 1,450 sq.m. chapel can accommodate 350 people. It’s open to the public from 9 am to 5 pm daily, and is available for hire by groups. Professor Lo called it a ‘tranquil oasis’ in the middle of the CUHK campus, and hoped that it will be ‘a place where we stop to ponder life and replenish our souls with God before heading our way again.’ 盧龍光教授 Rev. Prof. Lo Lung-kwong 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 1971年10月,數百名中大師生同事花了兩天,把十二萬冊圖 書,以人龍搬書的方法,從舊的崇基圖書館搬到九百米以外 新的牟路思怡圖書館。老一輩的中大人對此都記憶猶新, 對 沈宣仁 博士來說更是其任教崇基生涯中印象最深刻的情 景。 四十一年後的10月,數以千計的師生校友,在剛過去的博群 書節期間,淘/漂了超過一萬冊圖書。誠如博群大講堂委員 會召集人 周保松 說:「書節最大的意義,是讓書本流動,知識 流動—從一代中大人流到下一代中大人手上,從而令書本 有了新的生命。」 歲月流動,知識流動。從今期「昔與今」的相片,可以看到昔 日的水田阡陌,變成了今天大家熟悉的校園風景。中大人有 緣聚首於這一隅天水,讀書、思考、辯論、探索,不論校園哪 一角—圖書館也好、飯堂也好,都是書鄉,也是家鄉。 也是在這樣的十月,大學圖書館地庫的進學園,以及伍何曼 原樓六樓的學習共享空間啟用,同學又多了一爿研修、交流、 烘焙思想、醞釀情誼的地方。中大人的書緣,還是會一代一 代流傳下去的。 By Sue Lai In October 1971, hundreds of CUHK staff and students formed a human chain to move 120,000 books from the old Chung Chi College Library to the new Elisabeth Luce Moore Library, located 900 metres away. The removal remains vivid in the memories of many CUHK old-timers. Dr. Philip Shen , for example, regarded it as the most memorable event in his long teaching career at Chung Chi. Forty-one Octobers later, thousands of CUHK staff and students took more than 10,000 books for free or in barter exchanges at the Homecoming Book Festival. As Chow Po-chung , convener of the Committee on the University Lecture on Civility, says ‘The book festival was meant to keep books circulating and knowledge spreading, from the older generations to the younger generations of CUHK members, thus giving old books a new life.’ As knowledge spreads, time passes. This issue’s ‘Then vs Now’ shows the metamorphosis of paddy fields into a modern university campus, which generations of CUHK members call home. In the libraries or canteens of this campus where hills meet the sea, they study, think, debate, explore, and indulge themselves in bibliophilism. Also in October, the Learning Garden and Learning Commons situated respectively in the lower ground of the University Library and the sixth floor of the Wu Ho Man Yuen Building opened, providing students with more places for studying and exchanging ideas. With these facilities in place, the University will surely see the expansion of the fellowship of bibliophiles on its campus. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 校園中的心靈綠洲 An Oasis for the Soul 2 從生活出發的創意 4 Bringing Innovation Down-to-Earth 藝文雅趣 Arts and Leisure 5 校園消息 Campus News 6 昔與今 Then vs Now 8 人事動態 Ins and Outs 9 宣布事項 Announcements 10 舌尖上的中大 Mouth-watering Morsels 11 馬悅君如是說 Thus Spake Ma Yuet-kwan Gloria 12
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