Newsletter No. 479

Editorially Speaking 1
Cover Photo 1
Meditation Workshop at Tsz Shan Monastery 1
Feature 2
The Borderless Brushstrokes: Chan Loi-che Grafts Chinese Cursive to the Netherlands 2
In Plain View 4
The Joys and Anxieties of a Humanities Education 4
Financially Friendly 5
The Haphazard Forces of the Market 5
Campus News 6
Five Distinguished Persons Conferred Honorary Fellowships 6
Ms. Chow Pei-fong Therese 6
Mr. Fan Shi-hoo Hamen 6
Dr. Li Kwok-tung Donald 6
Prof. Liu Pak-wai 6
Dr. Akihiro Nagahara 6
Naming Ceremony of Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Building 7
Lui Che Woo Distinguished Young Scholars Award Launched 7
Advanced Workshop on Cities, Environment and Sustainability 7
Prof. Raymond Yeung Receives Communication Technology Award 8
Announcements 8
Scholarship/Fellowship at Harvard-Yenching Institute 8
Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 8
Obituary 8
說東道西 9
假作真時真亦假 9
Newly Onboard 9
4/2016 9
5/2016 9
Viva Voce 10
Enjoy Local Travel 10