CUHK Research
農業生物技術國家重點實驗室 (香港中文大學夥伴實驗室) 實驗室以中文大學和中國農業大學的合作為 基礎,目標是發展分子生物技術,以增加大 米和其他農作物的產量,並改善這些農產的 營養價值及確保食物安全,以紓緩糧食供應 緊張的問題。實驗室把香港的國際網絡、國 際人才和管理制度這些優勢,與國內的龐大 經濟力量、優秀科研隊伍和豐富天然資源結 合,融會現代科技和傳統經驗,藉開發新技 術和培養高質素科研人才,以提升中國農業 的技術儲備和生產力。實驗室現進行國際性 的深入協作,以策略性互補夥伴合作模式, 致力在前沿農業生物科技上取得突破。實驗 室的研究主要分農業改良和技術平台兩大範 疇,前者有水稻增產與營養改良研究、作物 耐逆性與水稻抗病研究,以及動物發育與幹 細胞基礎研究;後者則有水稻與大豆轉化系 統和種子生物反應器。 植物化學與西部植物資源 持續利用國家重點實驗室 (香港中文大學夥伴實驗室) 實驗室建基於中文大學中醫中藥研究所與中 國科學院昆明植物研究所的多年合作之上, 目的是發展有關傳統中醫藥現代化,以及應 用生物科技於藥用植物上的研究。中醫中藥 研究向為香港中文大學的重點研究領域之 一,近年成果優秀,昆明植物研究所植化國 家實驗室則是國內研究藥用植物,尤其是中 國西部植物資源的先驅,對國內和國外同類 研究的發展極具影響力。實驗室將結合中大 中醫中藥研究所和昆明植物研究所的優勢, 以科學方法驗證中藥的效用和安全性,以及 增加中藥在現代醫學上的應用,目標為令中 藥更廣為世界各地所接受。實驗室將致力於 研究植物化學和中國西部植物資源的持續 性,尤其針對癌症治療、心血管健康、保健 產品開發、DNA鑑別和條碼化,及病毒感染 等範疇。 State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (Partner Laboratory at The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Set up on the foundation of the collaboration between CUHK and China Agricultural University, the SKL aims to relieve food shortage by increasing the yield of rice and other crops, improving their nutritional value and ensuring food safety through the development of molecular biotechnology. The SKL taps into Hong Kong’s advantages in global networking, international talent pool and modern management, and the Mainland’s strengths in economic power, research capacity and natural resources. Combining modern technology with traditional experience, the SKL enhances the technological reserve and productivity of Chinese agriculture through the development of new technologies and high quality research talent. The SKL is seeking breakthroughs in various frontier research areas in agrobiotechnology through enhanced global collaboration and strategic complementary partnership. Research priorities include crop improvement and technology platform, with the former covering rice yield enhancement and rice nutritional quality improvement, crop stress tolerance and rice disease resistance, and animal developmental and stem cell basic research, and the latter covering indica rice and soybean transformation systems and seeds as bioreactors. State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China (Partner Laboratory in The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Built on the foundation of long-term collaboration between the Institute of Chinese Medicine of CUHK and the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the SKL aims to conduct research into the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and the application of biotechnology in medical science. The study of Chinese medicine has been one of the key research areas at CUHK, with spectacular results coming up in recent years. The State Laboratory of Phytochemistry of the Kunming Institute of Botany is the pioneer in the study of medicinal plants, in particular plant resources in western China, and has a significant influence on the development of similar researches in China and beyond. Combining the strengths of the two institutes, the SKL is well positioned to enhance international acceptance of traditional Chinese medicinal remedies by providing scientific proof of their efficacy and safety and exploring how such remedies can be more widely applied in modern medicine. Its research will focus on the phytochemistry and sustainability of plant resources in western China, particularly in the areas of cancer treatment, cardiovascular health, development of health supplements, authentication and barcoding of DNA, and viral infection. State Key Laboratory of Synthetic Chemistry 50 中大研與學
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