CUHK Research
56 中大研與學 數字一覽 Research in Numbers 學科小組 Panel 獲資助項目數目 Number of Projects Awarded 獲資助項目金額(百萬港元) Amount Awarded (HK$ million) 生物學及醫學 Biology & Medicine 63 50,384 商學 Business Studies 19 5,382 工程學 Engineering 44 26,541 人文學及社會科學 Humanities & Social Sciences 43 21,757 自然科學 Physical Sciences 27 18,228 總計 Total 196 122,292 2013 – 14 年度獲撥研究資助局優配研究金 Number of Projects and Amount Awarded by Research Grants Council General Research Fund 2013 – 14 項目統籌╱部門 Project Coordinator/Unit 項目名稱 Project Title 總資助金額 (包括附加行政費用)(百萬港元) Funding including indirect /on costs (HK$ million) 第一輪 1st Round 病理解剖及細胞學系王昭春教授 Prof. Nathalie Wong, Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology 肝癌基因組研究計劃:轉化基因發現為臨床應用 The Liver Cancer Genome Project: Translating Genetic Discoveries to Clinical Benefits 45.000 第一輪 1st Round 化學病理學系盧煜明教授 Prof. Dennis Lo, Department of Chemical Pathology 大規模平行測序在癌症分子診斷的應用 Massively Parallel Sequencing of Plasma Nucleic Acids for the Molecular Diagnostics of Cancers 31.999 第三輪 3rd Round 病理解剖及細胞學系羅國煒教授 Prof. Lo Kwok-wai, Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology 系統性開發鼻咽癌的分子靶標 Systematic Development of Molecular Targets for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 55.61 第三輪 3rd Round 內科及藥物治療學系馬青雲教授 Prof. Ronald C.W. Ma, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics 對糖尿病心血管及腎臟併發症的跨組學基因研究—從創新發 現至個性化治療 An Integrated Trans-omics Approach to Diabetic Cardio-renal Complications: From Novel Discoveries to Personalized Medicine 60.33 第三輪 3rd Round 工程學院院長汪正平教授 Prof. Wong Ching-ping, Dean of Engineering 智能化太陽能技術:採集、存儲和應用 Smart Solar Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Utilization 60.33 獲研究資助局主題研究計劃撥款之項目 Projects Funded by Research Grants Council Theme-based Research Scheme 項目統籌╱部門 Project Coordinator/Unit 項目名稱 Project Title 總資助金額 (不包括附加行政費用)(百萬港元) Amount Awarded (exclusive of on-costs) (HK$ million) 生命科學學院陳浩然教授 Prof. Edwin H.Y. Chan, School of Life Sciences 針對多聚谷氨酰胺疾病RNA及蛋白質毒性開發以多肽類為基礎的療法 Targeting RNA and Protein Toxicities of Polyglutamine Diseases Using Peptidylic Inhibitors 7.04 物理系朱明中教授 Prof. Chu Ming-chung, Department of Physics 大型強子對撞實驗:新物理的追尋 Searching for New Physics with the Large Hadron Collider 8.66 機械與自動化工程學系劉雲輝教授 Prof. Liu Yun-hui, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering 醫療手術輔助機器人 Assistive Surgical Robots 9.90 心理學系Catherine A. McBride教授 Prof. Catherine A. McBride, Department of Psychology 中文和英文閱讀能力發展:遺傳和神經科學相關因素 Reading Development in Chinese and in English: Genetic and Neuroscience Correlates 7.51 2013–14 年度獲研究資助局協作研究金撥款之項目 Projects Funded by Research Grants Council Collaborative Research Fund 2013–14 截至 2013 年 12 月 24 日 For the year ended 24 December 2013 * 自 1991–92 年度以來,中大共有三十七個項目獲研究資助局協作研究金(前稱 Central Allocation )撥款資助。 Since 1991–92, there have been a total of 37 projects led by CUHK funded by Research Grant Council Collaborative Research Fund (formerly named Central Allocation). 研究資助局是教資會轄下諮詢組織,負責向香港特區政府建議香港高等教育機構在學術研究上的需要,並向獲教資會資助的院校分配撥款,以進行學術研究。 The Research Grants Council operates under the aegis of the UGC and functions as an advisory body responsible for advising the HKSAR Government on the needs of Hong Kong’s higher education institutions in the field of academic research and for the distribution of funding for academic research projects undertaken by UGC-funded institutions. 網址 Website: (Chinese) , (English) 截至 2013 年 6 月 28 日 For the year ended 28 June 2013
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