Calendar 2005–06
Teaching Departments • Medicine 587 Yuen, Kwok Yung , MB BS, MD (HK); FRCSGlas; FHKAM (Surgery); FHKAM (Pathology); FRCPath; FHKCP; FIDSA; FACP; JP; Honorary Professor Honorary Teaching Staff Wong, Robert Thomas , BCom (Qu.); CA (Ontario); Adjunct Associate Professor Faculty Secretary Siu, Siu Moon Alison , BA, DipTrMgt (CUHK); PCEd (HK); MSc, MEd (Edin.); MITD Executive Officer Ng, Miu Kwan , BA, MPhil (CityU) Planning Office Planning Officer Chan, Yiu Yung Andrew , BA (HK); CertEdMgt (Harv.) Executive Officers Lee, On Man Sammi , BA, MPhil (HK) Wong, Chak Hung , BA (PolyU) Clinical Sciences Administration Administrative Assistant Chow, Yiu Wai Janet , BSc, MBA (CUHK) The Nethersole School of Nursing (Director of School: Prof. Thompson, David Robert) Teachers Chair, Sek Ying , RN; BSN (Houston Baptist); MBA (Dubuque); MSN (Phoenix); PhD (Colorado); Assistant Professor Chan Yip, Carmen Wing Han , RN; BSN (Missouri); MPhil (CUHK); Associate Professor Chan, Wai Chi Sally , RN; RMN; RTN; RPN; DipHealthCareEd (H.K. Polytech.); BHS (C. Sturt); MSN (Edin.); PhD (Oxf. Brookes); Professor Chau, Pak Chun Janita , RN; BNurs, MPhil (CUHK); Associate Professor Chien, Wai Tong , RPN; BNurs, MPhil (CUHK); Associate Professor Holroyd, Eleanor Anne, BAppSc, PGDN, MSc (Curtin); PhD (HK); Associate Professor Ip, Wan Yim , RN; RM; BNurs, MPhil (CUHK); Associate Professor Kwong, Karis , RN; BNurs, PhD (CUHK); Assistant Professor Lam, Lai Wah , RN; BNurs, MPhil (CUHK); Assistant Professor Lee, Fung Kam , RN; RM; RTN; BNurs, MPhil (CUHK); Assistant Professor Lee, Tze Fan Diana , RN; RM; PRDipHealthCareEd (H.K. Polytech.); MSc (Edin.); PhD (CUHK); Professor Lopez, Violeta, BScNurs (Far Eastern); DipTeach (Syd. Coll. of Adv. Ed.); MNA (NSW); PhD (Syd.); MPET (Deakin); FRCN; Professor Lui, How Lin , RN; BNurs, MPhil (CUHK); Assistant Professor Shiu, Tak Ying , RN; RMN; DipHealthEd&HealthPromot, MSc (Leeds Polytech.); MSc (PolyU); Associate Professor
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