Calendar 2005–06
538 Part 7 • University Ordinance and Regulations at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (B average or better). Applicants from institutions not using the GPA system will be assessed on their overall academic performance; and (ii) students who are currently enrolled in a postgraduate degree programme at another university. 2.2 Associate students of full-time undergraduate programmes (a) An applicant whose educational standard is considered adequate by the department and the board of the faculty concerned may be admitted as an associate student to pursue an approved course of study not leading to a degree of the University. (b) Application for admission as an associate student shall be supported by a certified true copy of academic record and made to the Director of Registry Services by a specified date. (c) An associate student shall receive an academic report on the course/s he has taken. 2.3 Associate students of postgraduate programmes (a) An applicant whose educational standard is considered adequate by the graduate division concerned may be admitted upon the approval of the Council of the Graduate School as an associate student to pursue an approved course of advanced study or research not leading to a certificate, diploma or higher degree of the University. (b) Normally, application for admission as an associate student shall be supported by a certified true copy of academic record and made to the Graduate School via the graduate division concerned by a specified date. 3.0 Fees 3.1 The fees prescribed by the University Council shall be payable on dates specified unless prior permission for deferment is obtained. 3.2 A student in arrears shall be subject to fines. A student in arrears, whether in part or in full, or who has outstanding fines unpaid for more than two weeks shall be considered to have withdrawn from studies. 3.3 Caution money shall be payable on first registration as a deposit to make good any outstanding debts to the University incurred in, for example, damages to University and/or college property. This sum less any deductions made for outstanding debts shall be refunded on discontinuation of studies at the University. 3.4 Apart from caution money, fees once paid shall not be refunded, except under very special circumstances. 4.0 Registration 4.1 An applicant who has been offered admission to an approved course of study or research shall pay the fees and register with the Office of Registry Services/Office of Academic Links on the respective specified date/s and shall be considered to have enrolled in the approved courses of study or research from the date of his first registration.
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