Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015
見。蜚聲國際的中外學人,自建 校初期即絡繹不絕地到來,參加 我們的教學工作,協助我們設計 課程和建立學系,擔任學術諮詢 委員會的成員,甚至成為我們的 校董。另外每年都有來自各地的 學生到中大當交換生;而外國政 府和國際基金會更曾大量資助創 校時期的種種創新計劃,協助我 們建設校園。這些聯繫,四十年 來從未間斷。 與國際化同步發展而又滋養着中 大的國際性的,是我們對中國文 化的承擔。中大肩負着保存和發 揚中國文化的使命,多年來相關 的教學和研究在校內蓬勃發展, 預計未來更加興旺。我再一次引 用創校校長李卓敏博士的說法, 中大其中一項使命,是「結合傳 統與現代,融會中國與西方」。 今日,中大是研究中國文化的重 鎮,每年吸引無數外地學者前來 研習。亦正是這種學術傳統,在 國際間給予中大極大的競爭優勢。 至於在背後不斷推動中大國際化 的,則是提供優質教育、使學生 得到更大增益的目標;從前如是, 今天如是。來自世界各地的年輕 學生匯聚中大校園,可以一起生 活,互相學習,視野因此得以擴 闊,對不同文化的認識得以加深, 對現實世界將會有更敏銳的體察, 並能夠培養出更佳的溝通能力, 以及更寬闊的胸襟。在全球日趨 一體化的世界裏,在全球化的就 業巿場中,尤其在香港這個充滿 動力的國際經貿通口,這些要素 有助他們更有效地安排生活,應 付周遭環境的改變。 我們鼓勵學生到外地當交換生, distinguished persons all over the world on plans of its establishment. It will show a steady stream of celebrated international scholars and experts joining its faculties, contributing to the design of academic programmes and departments, and becoming members of advisory boards and even the University Council. It will show students from a multitude of countries entering the University’s gates for exchange ever since they first opened. It will also show foreign governments and international foundations giving the University substantial assistance to develop its campus and to launch innovative projects. All these have continued for over four decades. Then, as now, internationalization goes hand in hand with our mission to preserve, enrich and promote Chinese culture and is in fact nourished by our Chinese intellectual heritage. Indeed Chinese culture has flourished and prospered at our University and will continue to do so in the future. One of our missions, again in the words of our Founding Vice-Chancellor, is ‘to combine tradition and modernity, and to bring together China and the West’. Today, the Chinese University is one of the premiere centres for Chinese studies in the world, with scholars coming from all over to learn and conduct research. Our Chinese intellectual heritage is indeed one of the University’s strongest competitive advantages. The primary motivation for internationalization has been, and remains, that it enhances significantly the education of our students. By bringing together, on the same campus, young people from all corners of the earth, they will have the opportunity to live with and learn from one another. Their horizons will be broadened, their understanding of diverse cultures will be deepened, and their awareness of the realities of the world will be sharpened. They will develop a greater capacity to communicate, empathize, and tolerate. They will develop the qualities they need to become effective in both work and personal life in an increasingly globalized world and a globalized employment market, and especially in a dynamic, international gateway city such as Hong Kong. 6 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin Special Supplement
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