Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015
劉遵義教授在二零零四年七月一日 接替金耀基教授出任中大第六任 校長,就職典禮在同年十二月九日 第六十一屆大會舉行。他在典禮 上發表就職演說,闡述其願景— 大學秉承保存與弘揚中國文化的 使命,同時不忘提升其國際性, 兩者同步邁進,繼續在教育、研 究和服務方面精益求精。 Prof. Lawrence Lau succeeded Prof . Ambrose King on 1 July 2004 as the sixth CUHK Vice- Chancellor. He was installed at the University’s 61st Congregation held on 9 December in the same year. At his inaugural speech, he outlined his vision for the University — to preserve, enrich and promote Chinese culture while promoting internationalization for the continuous enhancement of education, research and services. 履新 Inaugural 4 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin Special Supplement
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