Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015
新任校長就職典禮 劉遵義教授講辭 Installation of the NewVice-Chancellor Address by Prof . Lawrence J. Lau, BS, MA, PhD, DSSc (Hon) 主席先生、各位嘉賓、各位同事、 各位家長、各位畢業同學、各位 校友、各位女士、各位先生: 四十年前,香港中文大學的創校 校長正式就職;自此共有五位來 自不同學術背景的傑出學者,先 後帶領中大經歷誕生至成長至茁 壯,各以過人的魄力,堅定的信 念,和無私的奉獻,推動中大不 斷向前,邁向卓越。時至今天, 中大已成為香港及區內數一數二 的優秀高等學府。四十年來,中 大不斷精進,層層上升,憑藉的 是她的朝氣和活力,雙語雙文化 的傳統,獨特的書院制度,以及 對通識和全人教育的堅持。中大 更受惠於教職員和校友歷年的奉 獻,以及海內外一眾支持者的盛 情善意。我們會全力鞏固這一切; 這一切也將繼續支持我們奮發向 上。 而立校之初,首任校長李卓敏博 士就曾在他的就職講辭中強調, 「中文大學不能視為僅與英國連 繫之組織,而應為一富有國際性 之學府。」從那時開始,中大的 國際性格,就一直用以吸引不同 地方的財力、人力和物力,去協 助大學的成長,使之能更快地躋 身於世界大學之林。瀏覽大學的 歷史檔案,當可發現中大早在籌 備成立的階段,即已得到世界各 地傑出人士和學者提供寶貴的意 Mr. Chairman, distinguished guests, colleagues, parents, graduates, alumni, ladies and gentlemen: Forty years ago, the Founding Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong was installed. During the ensuing years, five most distinguished scholars, each coming from a different academic background, have in succession led this University from infancy to adulthood. The energy, faith, and devotion they brought to their tasks have propelled the University forward and fuelled its continuous quest for excellence. Today, the University is widely recognized as one of the best tertiary educational institutions, not only in Hong Kong, but also in our region. For forty years, the University has been moving forward and upward, drawing strength from its youthful vigour, its bicultural heritage, its collegiate system, and its emphasis on general and whole- person education. It has also benefited from the deep dedication of generations of teachers, staff, students, and alumni, and the enormous good will of benefactors both in and out of Hong Kong. All these we shall seek to consolidate; all these shall continue to sustain us. And right from the beginning, the University has been conceived, ‘not just as a Chinese University with British affiliation but as a Chinese University of international character’, to quote Dr. Choh- Ming Li, our Founding Vice-Chancellor. Right from the beginning, internationalization has existed as an instrument to tap resources—human as well as material—for the University’s growth, and to raise it to a position of respect in the community of universities. A glimpse into our University’s archives will show the University receiving wise counsel from 5 履新 Inaugural
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