Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015
At a farewell reception given by Dr. Vincent Cheng, Chairman of the University Council, on his last day of office, Prof. Lawrence Lau said, ‘I always see myself as a member of the CUHK community and will continue to offer my service to the University.’ True to his words, Professor Lau continues to contribute to the academic life of the Chinese University as the Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics, taking an active role in the research activities and conferences of the Global Institute of Economics and Finance as well as lecturing, supervising research projects, and publishing frequently. Today, many of the projects and systems initiated during his vice-chancellorship are working well and yielding intended results, and Professor Lau, who always has the welfare of CUHK at heart, is no doubt glad to see his handiwork coming to rich fruition. In December 2014, the Chinese University presented Professor Lawrence Lau with the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa , in recognition of his outstanding scholarship as an economist, and the foresight and leadership demonstrated during his tenure as the University’s Vice-Chancellor. Taking occasion of this auspicious event, the summer 2015 issue of the Chinese University Bulletin is dedicated to the career and success of Professor Lau. 劉教授在任期最後一日於校董會 主席鄭海泉博士舉行的惜別會上 說:「我已視自己為『中大人』, 未來亦會繼續支持中大。」此言 非虛,卸下校長重任後,他繼續 出任藍饒富暨藍凱麗經濟學講座 教授,活躍參與全球經濟及金融 研究所的研究與會議,常回校園 講課,指導研究,而且著述仍頻。 不少他任內訂定的計劃和制度, 今日已發展圓熟,開花結果。劉 教授心繫中大,與我們近在咫尺, 當然也樂見其成。 二零一四年十二月,這位舉足輕 重的經濟學家、高瞻遠矚的大學 領袖獲中文大學授予榮譽法學博 士銜,以表揚其卓越成就。欣逢 此盛,《中文大學校刊》特於二零 一五年夏編撰本刊,以誌其人, 以彰其成。 3 前言 Foreword
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