Calendar 2005–06
258 Part 5 • Department Profiles and Programmes of Studies CHM 5710 Quantum Chemistry CHM 5720 Molecular Modelling CHM 5730 Special Topics in Chemistry CHM 5740 Advanced Chemical Kinetics CHM 5750 Surface and Interface Analysis CHM 5760 X-ray Crystallography CHM 5780 Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules CHM 5781 Advanced NMR Spectroscopy CHM 5782 Principles of Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy CHM 5783 Introduction to Laser Spectroscopy CHM 5910 Current Topics in Chemistry CHM 5930 Molecular Quantum Mechanics Biochemistry (major and minor programmes) Code Course Title BCH 0430/0440 Guided Study in Biochemistry BCH 0431/0441 Supervised Research in Biochemistry BCH 1000 Biochemical Basis of Life and Disease BCH 1002 Biochemical Aspects of Health and Disease BCH 1700 Biochemical Basis of Life and Disease Laboratory BCH 2000 Frontiers in Biochemistry BCH 2001 Current Topics in Biochemistry BCH 2010 Cellular Basis of Biochemistry BCH 2710 Cellular Basis of Biochemistry Laboratory BCH 2020 Introduction to Biomolecules BCH 2720 Introduction to Biomolecules Laboratory BCH 2030 Fundamentals of Biochemistry BCH 2730 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Laboratory BCH 2080 Basic Skills in Biochemical Studies BCH 3010 Bioenergetics BCH 3610 Bioenergetics Laboratory BCH 3020 Metabolism and Its Regulation BCH 3620 Metabolism and Its Regulation Laboratory BCH 3030 Methods in Biochemistry BCH 3630 Methods in Biochemistry Laboratory BCH 3040 Proteins and Enzymes BCH 3640 Proteins and Enzymes Laboratory BCH 4010 Molecular Biology BCH 4610 Molecular Biology Laboratory BCH 4020 Molecular Biology on the Web BCH 4030 Clinical Biochemistry BCH 4630 Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory BCH 4040 Aspects of Neurosciences BCH 4640 Aspects of Neurosciences Laboratory BCH 4050 Fermentation and Bio-processing BCH 4650 Fermentation and Bio-processing Laboratory BCH 4060 Basic and Applied Immunology BCH 4660 Basic and Applied Immunology Laboratory
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