May 2014

‘GO!’ Gears Up for Campus-Wide Adoption in Autumn 2014

Celebrating the second anniversary of the Green Office Programme (GO!) this month, the Campus Planning and Sustainability Office is preparing for a new milestone development ─ mandatory participation by all CUHK offices in GO! by autumn this year, which is one of the commitments made by CUHK in its 'Medium-term Sustainability Targets'.

Go! Checklist

First launched in May 2012, GO! is a platform to promote green office practices that currently CUHK offices and student bodies can join voluntarily. The 'GO! Checklist', which contains a number of simple but effective green actions (some of which are mandatory requirements), is an integral part of this platform driving continual improvement in environmental performance of the campus. All 'GO!' member offices have to pledge to fulfil at least half of the action items on the checklist.

Encouraging Results

In 2013─14, a total of 108 offices and student bodies participated in 'GO!'. The programme is pleased to find that over 90% of the participating offices have fulfilled the requirements of 'GO!'. These offices are acknowledged as 'Competent Green Offices' publicly on the GO! website (the list of 'Competent Green Offices' can be viewed here). More importantly, many member offices have via the submission of 'GO! Checklist' provided useful comments and recommendations that would help the University consider how best to further support offices in their initiatives to go green.

E-seals for acknowledging 2013─14 'Competent Green Offices'

Revisions Made

In view of the latest development in the University's environmental policies or initiatives, some necessary revisions have been made to the 'GO! Checklist' for implementation in 2014, namely:

  • 'GO!' members (staff offices) are now required to engage a paper waste recycling company to collect paper waste directly from the office. CUHK has shortlisted two paper waste recycling companies to offer direct waste collection services for offices, departments and units. For details and application, please visit: www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/go!/paper.html
  • In line with the University's policy, 'GO!' members should not provide single-serving bottled water at indoor events or corsages at all events (e.g. meetings, seminars and conferences).
  • 'GO!' members are encouraged to commit to at least a 10% reduction in office paper use by 2014, using 2012 (or most recent year as supported by paper purchase figures) as the base year. Through setting target under GO!, The University aim to engage all offices in making progress towards our 'Medium-term Sustainability Targets' in reducing paper use (with particular reference to committee papers) by 50% by 2017─18.
'GO!' Lunchtime Sharing Session on 29 April 2014

Sharing Session

A lunchtime sharing session was held on 29 April 2014 to brief representatives from 'GO!' offices on the latest updates to the 'GO! Checklist' and also allow members to share experiences and tips. Click here for a more detailed list of updates to the 'GO! Checklist'

Green Awards

Grateful for the dedication and hard work of our 'GO!' pioneers, the University is planning to launch a number of green awards later in the year to further acknowledge the exemplary and often creative initiatives shared by 'GO!' offices. Tentative ideas include awards for best energy conservation measures, greatest achievement in reducing paper use, most creative green initiative, green purchasing award, etc. So stay tuned!

If your office would like to share its green practices or give suggestions regarding the criteria or reward of the upcoming awards, please feel free to email us at GO@cuhk.edu.hk.


The Sustainable Campus e-newsletter is published by the Information Services Office and the Campus Planning and Sustainability Office, CUHK.