Calendar 2005–06
Joint Research Units 153 The objective of the laboratory are: (1) to promote plant biotechnology research and its application in agriculture, medicine and environment; (2) to strengthen collaborative relationships with world renowned scientists and institutes for the advancement of plant biotechnology; and (3) to build a strong linkage and foundation between the two universities for scientific collaboration, academic exchange, and training of personnel. Activities of the joint laboratory include research projects of common interest such as genetically manufactured food allergy and fungal bioreactors, joint application of research funding, and exchange visits by researchers, and students. Joint Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering (JCBME) Tel.: 2609 8285/8459 Fax.: 2603 5558 E-mail: Website: The JCBME is an inter-institutional research and development centre jointly established by Zhejiang University and the Chinese University in August 1999. It is an open research and academic exchange environment that promotes collaboration among researchers in engineering, medicine, and science to provide interdisciplinary insight into medical and life science problems. The research activities of the JCBME are focused on the following areas: • electronic information technology for biomedicine and health care: tele- medicine, tele-healthcare, e-medicine, and mobile medicine; • bioelectronics: medical devices and biosensors; • engineering in Chinese medicine; • biomedical measurements, processing, modelling, and simulation; • medical visualization, virtual reality, medical imaging and image processing; and • neural engineering. Microsoft–CUHK Joint Laboratory for Human–centric Computing and Interface Technologies Tel.: 2609 8313 Fax.: 2603 5505 E-mail: Website: The Microsoft-CUHK Joint Laboratory for Human-centric Computing and Interface Technologies was inaugurated in May 2005. The joint laboratory draws upon the long-standing partnership between CUHK and Microsoft Research Asia to further promote research collaboration, provide leading research infrastructure, and jointly nurture talent in the frontiers of human-centric computing and interface technologies. These technologies embrace the information needs and natural communicative modalities of the human user at the centre of human-computer
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