CHAN Hoi-man
Adjunct Associate Professor
Current Research & Teaching Interests
- Hong Kong culture and mentality
- The constitution of Chinese society
- Sociological theory
Selected Publications
2010 | 《啟蒙論: 社會學與中國文化啟蒙》,600頁,第二版,北京:社會科學文獻出版社。 |
2008 | (Co-authored with KING Ambrose Yeo Chi). “Chinese Religion”. Understanding Contemporary China ed. by Gamer, R.. 3 ed. New York: Lynn Reinner. |
2008 | 陳海文. <文化與社會:中國社會學的學科性格>. 《「本土心理研究取徑論叢」,本土心理研究叢書 #9》 楊中芳教授編. 頁77-92. 台北: 本土心理研究叢書,遠流出版社。 |
2007 | 陳海文. <為甚麼哈貝馬斯不是神學家?–面向神學的社會學沉思>. 《「哈貝馬斯與漢語神學」,漢語基督教文化研究所叢刊 #29》 張慶熊,林子淳編. 頁233-257. 香港: 漢語基督教文化研究所。 |
2002 | 《啟蒙論:社會學與中國文化啟蒙》,619頁,Hong Kong: Oxford University Press. |
2000 | (with Ambrose King) “Religion,” in Garmar, R. ed., Understanding Contemporary China, Lynn Rienner Publisher. |
1998 | <論社會學之傳統與中國化──後設社會學札記之三>,《新亞學術集刊》 #16. |
1997 | “Labyrinth of Hybridization: The Cultural Internationalization of Hong Kong”, in Gerard A. Postiglione and James T. H. Tang ed., Hong Kong’s Reunion with China, pp. 169-199, New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., USA.” |
1995 | “Popular Culture and Political Society: Prolegomena on Cultural Studies in Hong Kong,” in Sinn, E. ed. Culture and Society in Hong Kong, Center of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong.” |
1995 | “Culture and Identity,” in The Other Hong Kong Report 1994, The Chinese University Press.” |
1995 | (with Rance Lee) “Hong Kong Families at the Crossroads of Traditionalism & Modernism,” in Comparative Family Studies, vol. 26 #1. |
1994 | <對建立中國社會學傳統的幾點思考──後設社會學札記之二>,《香港社會科學學報》第三期。 |
1993 | “Some Metasociological Notes on the Sinicization of Sociology,” International Sociology, vol. 8, #1.” |
1992 | “Modenity and Revolution in Chinese Education,” in Hayhoe, R. ed. Education and Modernization: The Chinese Experience, p. 73 – 102, New York: Pergamon Press.” |
- SOCI 4208 Cultural Sociology
- SOCI 5601 Theoretical Perspective in Sociology
- UGEA 2300 China from Tradition to Modernity
Community and Professional Service
- Visiting Scholar on Cultural Sociology, Tsinghua University, Beijing
- Visiting Scholar on Social Planning, Fudan University, Shanghai
- Editorial Board member, Journal of Social Theory
- Visiting Lecturer on Social Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou