The Call of CUHK Colleges
聯合書院與北京及台灣清華大學自 2012 年每年合辦「薪火計劃:中大聯合. 兩岸清華.服務學習體驗」,三所院校各派十 名學生參與,為期一個月,於香港、台灣及內地 扶助弱勢社群,並到訪不同的非政府機構參與義工服 務。此外,書院於 2013 至 14 年度增設全新的服務體驗實習計 劃,安排學生到海外非牟利機構,參與不同形式的服務計劃。 Since 2012, United College has organized an annual service learning programme in conjunction with Tsinghua University in Beijing and Taiwan. Titled ‘Pass It On’, each institution is represented by 10 students in month-long service projects for the underprivileged in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland. These students also visit non- government organizations and participate in volunteer services. From 2013–14, the College began arranging for students to take part in various forms of service activities overseas organized by non-profit organizations abroad. 13
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