The Call of CUHK Colleges

師友計劃乃敬文書院延續和實踐其願景及使命的重要一環。為擴闊學生的視野,增進他們在學習及其他領域上的知識及建 立人際網絡,書院邀請了各界社會賢達,包括當年曾受惠於已故朱敬文博士資助負笈海外,現今在各行業和專業領域皆有 傑出表現的朱氏學人,擔任書院導師,透過經驗分享,為學生的學業及未來發展提供意見及指導。 The Mentorship Programme is vital in extending and realizing the visions and missions of C.W. College. To expand students’ visions, enrich their knowledge, and increase their social exposure, the College invites mentors—experienced leading figures from all walks of life, including Chu Scholars who have benefited from the generosity and mentorship of the late Dr. C.W. Chu—to share their valuable experiences with the students, and offer them advice and guidance on educational and professional development. 31