The Call of CUHK Colleges
3 E = mc 9 「書院」一詞,放在不同時空,或對不同人而言,含義可大相逕庭。在香港, 書院有時代表一間中學,有時代表一座大學舍堂,是本科生課堂以外的安樂窩。 但要是向中大人提起「書院」二字,激蕩起的是一股盡在不言中的共鳴,和一份 常在心間的歸屬感。 香港中文大學的前身是三所在港作育英才良久的專上學院,各樹一幟而學風優 良,是展翅待飛的新生大學最堅實的基礎。上世紀八十年代,中文大學發展如 日中天,第四間書院應運而生。到了二十一世紀再添五所新書院,中大獨特的 書院文化達至空前盛勢。 中大九書院各有千秋,理想則一-努力營造師生居息一堂的和諧社群,問學 朝夕,切磋砥礪,為莘莘學子提供心靈關顧及全人教育,創造宜人的學習和生 活環境。書院生活是中大經驗必不可少的部分,是大學教育這道特殊公式不可 或缺的因素。 Like any other word, ‘college’ has come to mean different things to different peoples at different times. In Hong Kong, it sometimes denotes a secondary school attended by teenagers, or a residential hall in a tertiary institution where undergraduates spend the night during semester time. But the word has a special ring to those in the CUHK family which will always remain close to their hearts. The Chinese University was inaugurated with three pre-existing post-secondary colleges, whose distinct and distinguished educational ideals and identities laid a solid foundation for the fledgling University. In the 1980s, the rapid development of the University made the establishment of a fourth College a necessity. In the 21st century, five new Colleges were added to bring CUHK’s unique college system to a new height. The nine CUHK Colleges are united in their common objective of fostering an intimate and personal community of students and teachers with mutual learning and intellectual sharing, to provide pastoral care and whole-person education for students, and to create an environment for learning and congenial college life. College life is so important and integral to the learning experience here that one simply cannot subtract it from the equation of a sui generis university education. 書院方程式 The College Formula E = Education m = major / minor c = college
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