Calendar 2013–14
256 Part 7 • University Ordinance, Regulations and Rules Part 7 (e) it is declared that The Chinese University of Hong Kong, in which the principal language of instruction shall be Chinese, shall continue to— (i) assist in the preservation, dissemination, communication and increase in knowledge; (ii) provide regular courses of instruction in the humanities, the sciences and other branches of learning of a standard required and expected of a University of the highest standing; (iii) stimulate the intellectual and cultural development of Hong Kong and thereby to assist in promoting its economic and social welfare: 1. Short title This Ordinance may be cited as The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance. 2. Definitions (1) In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires— “approved course of study” ( 認可課程 ) means a course of study approved by the Senate; “Assembly of Fellows” ( 院務委員會 ) means the Assembly of Fellows of a constituent College; (Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4) “Board of Trustees” ( 書院校董會 ) means the Board of Trustees of an original College or Shaw College; (Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4; 18 of 2007 s. 5) “Chancellor” ( 監督 ), “Pro-Chancellor” ( 副監督 ), “Vice-Chancellor” ( 校長 ), “Pro-Vice-Chancellors” ( 副校長 ) and “Treasurer” ( 司庫 ) respectively mean the Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice- Chancellors and the Treasurer of the University; “constituent College” ( 成員書院 ) means a constituent College of the University as provided by section 3; (Replaced 59 of 1986 s. 4.; Amended 18 of 2007 s. 5) “Council” ( 大學校董會 ), “Senate” ( 教務會 ), “Convocation” ( 校友評議 會 ), “Faculties” ( 學院 ), “Schools of Studies” ( 專業學院 ) and “Boards of Studies” ( 學務委員會 ) respectively mean the Council, Senate, Convocation, Faculties, Schools of Studies and Boards of Studies of the University; (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 21) “Fellow” ( 院務委員 ) means a Fellow of a constituent College; (Amended 59 of 1986 s. 4) “graduates” ( 畢業生 ) and “students” ( 學生 ) respectively mean the graduates and students of the University; “Head” ( 院長 ) means, in relation to an original College or Shaw College, the Head of the College concerned; (Replaced 18 of 2007 s. 5) “members” ( 成員 ) means such persons as are prescribed by the Statutes to be members of the University; “officers” ( 主管人員 ) means the officers of the University as provided by section 5; “original College” ( 原有書院 ) means any of the following— (a) Chung Chi College;
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