Annual Report 2005–06
捐贈、財務與賬目 Donations, Finance and Accounts 93 捐助者 Donors 捐贈金額(港元) Amount donated (HK$) 摘要 Particulars 北山堂基金 Bei Shan Tang Foundation 1,000,000 To support the ICS Visiting Professorship Scheme of the Institute of Chinese Studies. 北山堂基金 Bei Shan Tang Foundation 125,000 Part of the total donation of $500,000 for awarding a scholarship to an outstanding non-local student from Sichuan Province in 2005-06. 天主教香港教區 The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong 7,000,000 For the establishment of the Centre for Catholic Studies of the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies. 陳志海先生 Mr. Chan Chee-hoi, Warren 1,000,000 Part of the total donation of $5 million for the establishment and development of the School of Law. 陳漢賢伉儷慈善信託 Chan Hon Yin Couple Charity Trust 500,000 For the establishment of the Mr. and Mrs. Chan Hon Yin Academic Exchange Fund to support the academic exchange programmes in 2006-07 and summer internships in 2006 in cities outside Hong Kong organized by the School of Journalism and Communication. 陳廣才先生 Mr. Chan Kwong-choi, Peter 2,000,000 Part of the total donation of $4 million for awarding 20 Nascence Mainland Student Scholarships to outstanding non- local students from the Mainland. 陳道宣先生遺贈 Estate of Mr. Chan Tou-suen 500,000 To support the construction of the new chapel of the Divinity School of Chung Chi College. Mr. Chang Bei-ming and Mrs. Chang Pao So-kok 10,000,000 For the establishment of the Chang Bei Ming and Pao So Kok Fund to endow a named professorship in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. 車越喬先生 Mr. Che Yueh-chiao 2,500,000 For the endowment fund in support of the development of Shaw College. 陳慧慧女士 Ms. Chen Wai-wai, Vivien 1,000,000 To support the promotional and educational activities of the Hong Kong Mood Disorders Centre of the Faculty of Medicine. 鄭明訓先生 Mr. Cheng Ming-fun, Paul 700,000 Towards the Madam Tan Jen Chiu Fund of the Department of Social Work and the Paul M.F. Cheng International Exchange Fund, and for the development of the University. 鄭裕彤基金有限公司 Cheng Yu Tung Foundation Ltd. 30,000,000 For the academic development of the University. 張 昌基金有限公司 Thomas H.C. Cheung Foundation Limited 4,000,000 Part of the total donation of $5 million for awarding the Pacific Insurance Scholarship and the Pacific Life Scholarship designated to two non-local Mainland students of United College annually for five years with effect from 2005-06. 張華強先生 Mr. Cheung Wah-keung 500,000 For the Vice-Chancellor’s discretionary fund. 蔣經國國際學術交流基金會 Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange 175,226.98 Part of the total donation of US$68,100 for a research project entitled ‘The Conversion Chieftains - Territorial Gods, Chieftain Lineages and the Retention of Indigenous Identity in Border Areas’ undertaken by the Department of History. 兒童癌病基金 Children’s Cancer Foundation 1,066,692.60 To support the salary of a staff member of the Department of Paediatrics and purchase of consumables for the Molecular Diagnosis of Childhood Cancer Project, the research projects undertaken by the Department of Paediatrics and the Blood Bank waiting area of the Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology. 集興設計印刷公司 Chip Hing Design & Printing Co. 1,000,000 To support the training, research and educational activities of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences.
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