Annual Report 2005–06
大學領導層 University Leadership 年內獲委任之大學主管人員 University Officers Appointed During the Year 社會科學院院長 Dean of Social Science 李少南教授 Prof. Paul S.N. Lee (自二零零五年八月一日起) (from 1 August 2005) 研究院院長 Dean of the Graduate School 黃永成教授 Prof. Wong Wing-shing (自二零零五年九月一日起) (from 1 September 2005) 卸任大學校董 Outgoing Council Members 大學向一位卸任大學校董致謝 A vote of thanks to one outgoing Council member 王維基先生 Mr. Ricky W.K. Wong (membership ended on 17 October 2005) (二零零五年十月十七日卸任)
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