Annual Report 2018–19
64 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2018–2019 段崇智教授 Prof. Rocky S. Tuan 由2018年1月1日起為當然成員 ex officio from 1 January 2018 香港中文大學校長 Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 段教授現任職中大校長及組織工程學及再生醫學 教授。於2016年出任中大傑出訪問教授及組織工 程與再生醫學研究所首任所長前,他在美國匹茲堡 大學及多所著名大學任教及出任行政崗位。自2010 年起,他擔任武裝部隊再生醫學研究中心聯席總 監。段教授為國際知名生物醫學科學家,屢獲國際 殊榮,並獲推選為美國國家發明家學會會士(2017 年)及中國發明協會首屆會士(2018年)。他現任發 育生物學期刊 Birth Defects Research 及著名幹細 胞期刊 Stem Cell Research and Therapy 創刊編 輯。他先後出任研究資助局生物學及醫學學科小組 成員及主席(2010至2016年)。 Professor Tuan is Vice-Chancellor/President and Professor of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine of CUHK. Prior to joining CUHK in 2016 as a Distinguished Visiting Professor and the Founding Director of the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, he held various academic and administrative positions at the University of Pittsburgh and other renowned universities in the USA, and has served as Co-Director of the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine since 2010. Professor Tuan is an internationally renowned biomedical scientist who has been recognized regionally with a number of awards. He has been elected a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (2017) and the Chinese Association of Inventions (2018). He is a Founding Editor of the developmental biology journal Birth Defects Research , and the leading stem cell journal Stem Cell Research and Therapy . He had served as Member/Chairman of the Biology and Medicine Panel of the Research Grants Council (2010–2016). 華雲生教授, JP Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, JP 由2009年12月30日起為當然成員 ex officio from 30 December 2009 香港中文大學副校長 Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 華教授現為中大常務副校長及計算機科學與工程 學講座教授。他現任伊利諾伊大學厄本那 – 香檳分 校電機及計算機工程學系 Franklin W. Woeltge 榮 休教授,為國際知名的計算機科學家。他身兼電機 及電子工程師學會(IEEE)、計算機器學會及美國 科學促進學會院士,並曾任 IEEE 計算機學會會長。 他曾任教於普渡大學及伊利諾伊大學厄本那 – 香檳 分校,亦曾於2009年在新加坡擔任由伊利諾伊大 學成立,及新加坡政府科技研究局資助的先進數碼 科學中心總監。他現為大學教育資助委員會研究資 助局主席及香港應用科技研究學院有限公司理事會 成員。 Professor Wah is currently the Provost and Professor of Computer Science and Engineering of CUHK. He is the Franklin W. Woeltge Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and is a prominent computer scientist. He is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Association for Computing Machinery, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and has served as President of IEEE Computer Society. He had taught at Purdue University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and served as Director of the Advanced Digital Sciences Center established by the University of Illinois in Singapore in 2009, with funding from the Singapore government’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research. He is Chairman of the Research Grants Council of the University Grants Committee and a Council Member of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited University Advisory Council. 霍泰輝教授, SBS , JP Prof. Fok Tai-fai, SBS , JP 由2013年1月1日起為當然成員 ex officio from 1 January 2013 香港中文大學副校長 Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 霍教授現任中大副校長及兒科講座教授,曾任職 於香港大學、瑪麗醫院、英國牛津大學約翰拉德克 利夫醫院及加拿大麥克馬斯特大學醫療中心。他於 1984年加入中大,曾任醫學院院長(2004年、2008 至2012年)及暫任院長(2007至2008年),以及威 爾斯親王醫院兒科部門主管。他獲選為香港兒科醫 學會終身榮譽會員,身兼香港醫院管理局新界東醫 院聯網兒科名譽顧問及香港醫務委員會初步偵訊委 員會主席。他於2003年獲亞洲傑出兒科醫生獎。
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